Two or three Yorks ago I picked up an 0-8-0 switcher lettered for the Pa. (no Belpaire firebox) and numbered #561. I can'tfind the brand on it anywhere...I think I remember that it was Lionel...but Lionel, at least in the past, was not bashful about identifying their products. So..whodunit? It was new in a foam box, but that was part of a set, appearing to be cut away and the loco and nothing paper, etc., was included. It is conventional and I thought a good candidate to "enhance" with some of the IHB's 0-8-0's trim, including an Elesco water heater and, also, move one pump and add another to the smokebox, which is removeable, so I assume the headlight can also be moved.
The first item I attended to was the dummy front coupler. A sawed-off Weaver #702 coupler, drilled out for the large
loco mounted post fits great, maybe with a washer added for height adjustment. But the center return spring needs
wings added to the Weaver coupler, which is made of Delrin? Will any glue stick to Delrin, under the stress of a coupler,
or do I need to devise a metal sheath shaped over the coupler shaft to recover the self centering feature?
The plan is to paint and letter with my free lance decals.