Thought I would chime in with my 3 cents. I am guilty sometimes of not answering an email. It is very sad when several people answer one of my ads and never follow through with a check or I do not want it after all. People write to me and just give me a zip-code/email address and want to the know the cost of shipping. For me to give you a shipping price, I must go to the post office which is 4 miles away and have the item weighed to make sure it is not too big for U S Post Office Standards. It takes several emails to seal the deal on an item AND I have never made a cent profit on my trains because KIDS are not interested in trains and many people on this forum are inquiry only.
My chime in 4 cents.. Then I have the people who tell me they will offer this amount of dollars for my item. How about if I offer you "X" amount of dollars post paid and it usually is about $100 to $200 dollars below my low prices that is offered in my ads. How rude to insult my intelligence that the price I put on my trains is not low enough for their tight pockets!!! You read the rules and guidelines of this forum it states -- THIS IS NOT AN AUCTION SITE. Try Ebay or go to one of the Big Train Company Ads and tell one of these guys you will offer your price for their trains. I think not....
I have been selling trains on this Forum for about 1 year and I have had some success. Do you know who makes up all of my ads? It is little ole me. Then I have the lazy guy who wants me to photograph my stuff in my ads. I recently had an ad that had 70 items in it. You really want me to photograph 70 items. Think of all the boxes I would have to open up and pose the item for its pretty little picture -- when you could look up on the internet in sites like Legacy K-Line, etc and find pictures of said trains. End of my 4 cents.
My problem is I guess I am a compulsive buyer of electric trains. You know, some people gamble, drink, etc to excess. With me, it was the trains. I have been buying 3 rail trains since 1975 and stopped purchasing them when Legacy and ProtoSound-3 came on the scene. When I was a little boy, I begged my father to buy me a Lionel Train Set. He bought me a train set, but it was a "Marx" UGH! I played with that electric train until the wheels fell off and Dad said "NO MORE TRAINS". So, I fixed ole Dad, I bought as many trains that would fix the train need in me --But the trains never fixed me. So now I am clearing my inventory of trains and have a much better life. Yes, I am working on building a small layout of Lionel, etc trains and selling off the rest.
Enjoy your Trains -- if you can railbear601
Funny. I always viewed the "not an auction" as is a seller holding out on an agreed upon a CLEARLY stated agreement or listed price and going for a "scalpers" higher bid.
After a deal is closed, it's closed. Timely agreed upon delivery of funds and items are after facts. I don't care if it worth 10 times an agreed upon price, I'd deliver to keep my word. I might let you have an earful if I didn't know the value, but I'd pack it well.
If I low-ball you, maybe it's a dream buy and all I can manage... or I figure you need it badly and it's all I can manage? ....or I'm telling you what I'd honestly like to pay. Maybe I'll pay full soon, maybe not. It's still an open deal, not agreed. "Ok thanks I'll let you know" is not a closed deal.
I wouldn't expect a hold unless it was specificly mentioned and agreed. If You agree to a price and later payment, to sell the item to other before the end of the timeline is fraud.. or theft... Breach of contract Or something
I'll thank you for the consideration and drop it...Thank you!...or buy it. Thank you! It doesn't irk me on selling. Persistence after a no irks me.
This is wild chance offer/ mild haggle and not an auction . An auction is a competative, high price winner based sale among a number of potential buyers. It has all kinds of legal trade implications, and without transparency it's happening, just plain bad business ethic.
Haggle isn't my stongsuit or fun, I do it because for many other folks it's a way of life; and expected. Some price accordingly; and some mix flexibility on certain items, not others.
If you don't like to haggle " $xx.xx firm" let's folks know.
OBO (isn't an auction if honored by seller) ..and use and omission together of both terms in large listings let's folks know where you might or might not be flexible.