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Any solutions for two engines in a lash up that are supposed to go the same speed but one is slower than the other and causing issues? Both engines are MTH diesels and are PS 3.

MTH  numbers  like 30-____ or 20-____ would help.

Identical PM to both :   clean wheels....................                                                                 clean pickup rollers  and axles. ......................                                              new grease in gearbox. ......................                                                            light oil on all wheel axles..................                                                     continuity at wheels the same?  ...............                                           continuity at pickups the same? ...................                                            same feature reset on each. ? ..................                                                individual running the same ? ...............     If running Full DCS do both show the same signal strength and voltage when testing individually ?                                                                

Last edited by Dallas Joseph

Regardless of model number, the only way I know to get them to play nice together is to change the flywheel tach strip.  Below is a link to a GRJ post with PDF files to print tach strip in many sizes.  Print the PDF on a full size (8.5x11) shipping label and cut them out.  Cut the length to fit your flywheel with just a little overlap.  This can be a fiddly job as you will need to clean the flywheel completely between trials.  Be careful not to damage the tach sensor.

I realize my wording could be better. What I meant was, there was a point in time in DCS world where we as users did not have full access and open source tools to edit sound files. Also- with other brands of optical tachometer based speed control- there was and is a time and place for modifying the number of stripes on the flywheel when you do not have a way to edit or modify firmware and settings.

I should not have used the work hack. It is a valid workaround.

I just was trying to convey, if possible, going the software/firmware setting route is a preferred method when possible.

Again, it's not all that long ago we got this feature, which we did not previously have access to, and not everyone is aware of it. Further, you have to have a TIU and a PC, access to the internet to grab the source sound file, or the longer way- read off to the PC a copy of the sound file from the board.

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