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I've an Proto ABBBBA set, which has a powered A, two powered B, two dummy B and a dummy A.  The old NP set with a couple of units added.  Can one use an ABA Proto2 upgrade kit for the powered A and B, then a regular Proto2 diesel upgrade kit in the second powered B, and run the string as a "lashup?"  I've been told one cannot use two slave units off the master unit for the two powered B units ... how could the lighting in the trailing dummy A be handled with such a setup?

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That's a good approach Joe!  Maybe the existing Proto tether would have enough wires for the Proto2 upgrade lights in the dummy A, markers, headlight, interior light and mars light.


Originally Posted by Joe Allen:

I would think you could run a PS2 powered A and PS2 slave B tethered together and a PS2 powered B tethered with the A dummy. The PS2 powered B unit would control the lights and coupler in the dummy A unit.  No tether would be needed between the other units.

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