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I was watching the LUG video and heard a price margin, Lionel is just selling the WiFi station is what I take? If so I would like to see them change the front lighted name from Lionel to LCS we already have the 993 with Lionel and the 990 with flashing Legacy!!  Why would I want as a control desk type of thing that it started with showing LIONEL/LIONEL/LEGACY ??  The way origanaly shown the 3 went together to make like a console. Which would be LIONEL/LCS/LEGACY ,anyhow for what it's worth.



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They are not sure yet whether the iPad dock will be produced. The WiFi box is about the size of a cell phone and is a different item than the dock.


Personally, if they make the dock out of a good plastic base without the light, or perhaps a USB power supply for the iPad charging cable to plug into that would be fine by me.  The lighted "Lionel" or "LCS" would just be a bonus.

Last edited by MartyE
If they make an iPad dock, I hope it is more generic than the pictured. I know some people won't care, but as soon as they make a molded cradle a new iPad will be out and it won't fit right. I know they could make inserts but no thanks if they would be so kind. I think it woul be cool if they do make an iPad dock that has light up words, but is just flat angled plastic with a lip on the bottom to keep the iPad from sliding off. Then it will hold any iPad, new or old, full size or mini. Just my two cents. Either way, super excited for the product!
I agree an insert for an iPad mini is nice. But I'm more concerned with the full size iPad. It will change size and shape. It has with the 1 to the 2 and even the 3 is slightly but not really noticeably different than the 2. 4 is same as 3 I think. Anyways, I really like the dock idea. Would just think it would be cool to make it more generic. That would also allow it hold an android tablet (although I prefer iPad myself) just an observation. Like I said either way they make the thing I'll be happy. Super excited for more options!

If they do make the docking station, they could make it as a open platform with just a lip or indent at the bottom to hold whatever device you want to use. As far as Modules, I think they could incorperate space for modules in it. Nothing fancy like the garage just open slots for storage.


Just my thoughts,Doug

Originally Posted by Lionelzwl2012:
Just guessing here, buy with too manytablet sizes and brands that could possibly be used by use for the app.The extra cost factor in producing inserts for the different styles will probably make this neat docking station cost prohibative. If Ipad compatable only most would complain about that. Stands to reason. I Could be wrong though.

(emphasis above is mine)


I'm pretty sure it is Ipad (various flavors) only.  This was I think mentioned during the breakfast, but I could be remembering another discusison. 


As such, there would not be any concern as to whether it could hold an Android device.


If the docking station is more generic. How about having a foam insert that you can shape yourself? You know like Peli cases have inside. 


If you had a hole in the base of the docking station you could feed thru a charging cable this would avoid the dock going out of date every time the charging connector is changed.


Final option if Lionel decide not to do the dock is a Lionel/LCS branded iPad case. The type that allows the screen to be held at a angle. So you can sell it to any Lionel fan who has a iPad even if they don't have LCS. 



I realize that it's probably been said before, and risks taking this discussion slightly off course, however, I'd like to see the portability/mobility exploited more by having some sort of plastic cradle that marries the Legacy remote and iPad into one unit that can be held in one hand. Both devices velcro'd side-by-side on a small plastic or wood panel would be a crude rendition of this.

Don't get me wrong, I like the look of the "control panel" concept with the iPad dock flanked by Legacy base units. I don't really think that Lionel is promoting a "static position" for operation. I'm guessing that they figure that one person uses the iPad for yard work while the others use the Legacy remotes for road work. The reality is that most operators will want constant access to both devices.


I would rather see all of the remote functionality added to the app.  Less to carry around and the buttons and layout on the app can be more flexible that the fixed layout of the remote.  Better touch screen as well.  Lionel then should come out with a smaller legacy system with built in wifi ( and /or ethernet access) and no remote for people who just want to use the app for control.


My guess is that Lionel sees the writing on the wall and realizes that a dedicated controller like the Legacy Cab-2 is difficult to justify when the smartphone and pad options provide so much potential and flexibility.

However, being in it to make money, I'm guessing they'll also continue to add features that work best with the physical buttons, sliders, etc. of the Legacy remote in order to squeeze as many years as possible out of that investment.

Even being a tech junkie, I still find the tactile feel of the Legacy remote more enjoyable than a touchscreen option for basic loco control.

Hopefully, they'll give us the option of choice sooner than later.


Originally Posted by graz:


My guess is that Lionel sees the writing on the wall and realizes that a dedicated controller like the Legacy Cab-2 is difficult to justify when the smartphone and pad options provide so much potential and flexibility.

However, being in it to make money, I'm guessing they'll also continue to add features that work best with the physical buttons, sliders, etc. of the Legacy remote in order to squeeze as many years as possible out of that investment.

Even being a tech junkie, I still find the tactile feel of the Legacy remote more enjoyable than a touchscreen option for basic loco control.

Hopefully, they'll give us the option of choice sooner than later.


I'm all for tactile feel but when I am running several trains at once I would much rather have a screen with several throttles showing at the same time.  Keying in each engine or train number to move from train to train is a pain.  I either fumble finger the number and have to re-enter it or I put in the wrong number and end up changing the speed of the wrong train.  One display with the road number (not the legacy engine ID) on each throttle would be a lot easier.  Better yet put the loco picture at the top of each throttle.

Originally Posted by loco-dan

 I may buy a refurbished Ipad to use this.  Don't need a Retna quality of display or any processor power.


Actually I have a question about that.  Has anyone compared a retina display to a original display?  Are the track sections the same size or are they smaller on the retina display allowing for a larger track layout on one page?


second question.  Is there some way for the app to detect the switch states when power is first applied?  Or does the app just assume previous used states?  If there is a way to detect this, does it work with the external switch controllers (that can presumably be used with third party switches) or just with command enabled lionel switches?


Originally Posted by Trainman9:

Does Lionel need permission from Apple to produce the product?

We would need permission by Apple to produce certain aspects of the Docking station (ie a built in charger).  We also need to follow a TON of guidelines on how we market the products.  Very controlled environment.


The Docking station prototype works on the iPad1, iPad2, and latest iPad w/ retina display from a cradling standpoint..  But the concern to manufacture this dock is the fit for devices such as the iPad Mini, the Android devices, etc.


For now, it is a non-product.

Originally Posted by fredt:
Originally Posted by loco-dan

 I may buy a refurbished Ipad to use this.  Don't need a Retna quality of display or any processor power.


Actually I have a question about that.  Has anyone compared a retina display to a original display?  Are the track sections the same size or are they smaller on the retina display allowing for a larger track layout on one page?


second question.  Is there some way for the app to detect the switch states when power is first applied?  Or does the app just assume previous used states?  If there is a way to detect this, does it work with the external switch controllers (that can presumably be used with third party switches) or just with command enabled lionel switches?


I've been wondering too about how the iPad knows what direction the switch is, and for me, i'm hoping it knows the direction of command control FasTrack switches since that is what I use.  I was wondering if maybe everytime the app fires up it moves all swtiches to a predefined direction and assumes the command follows through and then it "knows" the direction of the switch.  But it will be great if the switch is talking back to the iPad.

Originally Posted by jrmertz:
Originally Posted by fredt:
Originally Posted by loco-dan

 I may buy a refurbished Ipad to use this.  Don't need a Retna quality of display or any processor power.


Actually I have a question about that.  Has anyone compared a retina display to a original display?  Are the track sections the same size or are they smaller on the retina display allowing for a larger track layout on one page?


second question.  Is there some way for the app to detect the switch states when power is first applied?  Or does the app just assume previous used states?  If there is a way to detect this, does it work with the external switch controllers (that can presumably be used with third party switches) or just with command enabled lionel switches?


I've been wondering too about how the iPad knows what direction the switch is, and for me, i'm hoping it knows the direction of command control FasTrack switches since that is what I use.  I was wondering if maybe everytime the app fires up it moves all swtiches to a predefined direction and assumes the command follows through and then it "knows" the direction of the switch.  But it will be great if the switch is talking back to the iPad.

Resetting switches on power up is a bad idea as there may be trains sitting on some switches.  Either instant derailments or derails as soon as trains move.

Originally Posted by fredt:
Originally Posted by jrmertz:
Originally Posted by fredt:
Originally Posted by loco-dan

 I may buy a refurbished Ipad to use this.  Don't need a Retna quality of display or any processor power.


Actually I have a question about that.  Has anyone compared a retina display to a original display?  Are the track sections the same size or are they smaller on the retina display allowing for a larger track layout on one page?


second question.  Is there some way for the app to detect the switch states when power is first applied?  Or does the app just assume previous used states?  If there is a way to detect this, does it work with the external switch controllers (that can presumably be used with third party switches) or just with command enabled lionel switches?


I've been wondering too about how the iPad knows what direction the switch is, and for me, i'm hoping it knows the direction of command control FasTrack switches since that is what I use.  I was wondering if maybe everytime the app fires up it moves all swtiches to a predefined direction and assumes the command follows through and then it "knows" the direction of the switch.  But it will be great if the switch is talking back to the iPad.

Resetting switches on power up is a bad idea as there may be trains sitting on some switches.  Either instant derailments or derails as soon as trains move.

I agree this way of doign things could cause problems.  My reasoning behind the thought however is to try and figure out how the iPad knows the direction of my switches if the switches are not talking back to the iPad.  If a switch can talk back to the iPad and say 'I'm in the through" direction problem solved.  But i'm not sure an older device such as and SC could talk back if you are not using command switches (and again, I have no idea how the command switches work with the iPad app).  The app just sure makes it seem like it knows how a switch is pointing which is cool.  And if the way it works is to "reset" all switches on startup, i could very easily live with that.  It is as simple as not parking things on or over switches, which is a practice I have followed for years to avoid problems of bumping a switch and causing a derailment/accident.

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