I have 4 sensor tracks on my layout. Until last week, no problems. Last weekend I noticed the ST was not triggering dialogue when my BigBoy passed over. I reset the BB, nothing from the ST. So here's what I've done to test the ST:
1. Using the HI-Rail App on my phone I confirmed the identity of each ST track. The app provides an "identity" check. Passed
2. I used the CAB2 to do the same. Passed. The green light lights
3. I ran my GP-35 (6-38191) over the first ST that is connected to the LCS/Base. Some times the green light will flash, sometimes not. This engine's dialogue will be triggered, sometimes, if I pass the engine over it at step speed '5'. Any faster, it might blink or nothing but dialogue never triggers. However, even at 5 it's not consistent and usually, if it triggers, it's only once, then nothing. I ran the same test with an SD70 (6-81140). Is there an issue with Speed???
4. I read a thread with a similar problem. In his case the ST was the 1st track after a command switch. Mine was also. When he moved the ST, it started to behave. So, I did the same...unfortunately, it didn't change the operation of the ST.
I reprogrammed different dialogue. Same behavior. I reset the engines, same behavior.
I then tested the other 3 ST. They don't trigger commands either
All 4 ST green light comes on at power up and turn off. When I check identity, they all check out. I assume then that the Base is passing signals through the PDI cables successfully. I also swapped out the 1st PDI cable from the LCS module to the ST. No change.
I've not removed any other STs, yet to swap out the one that appears to be failing to test whether other STs work when first in line for the signal. That will be a PITA so I thought I'd check here before I did that. Any and all comments welcome. Thanks.