I'll say it first, I made a dumb mistake. roughly 4 years ago I bought a used Legacy 990 system, here comes the dumby, I did not test it when it came. Well now I have unpacked it and hooked it up, the base would not communicate with the remote and I could clearly see issues with the antenna connector. I fiddled with it to no avail, and then took it to a local Lionel service center. They tried and had the same results. They have returned it to me with the suggestion that it go directly to lionel for repair. I've opened it up and you can plainly see issues on the main board around the sockets and the radio board. I cannot find any parts listing on the lionel site nor can I even find a page to request a service number and address to send it. Does anyone know what to do to send this in for service?? Does Lionel sell the boards ?? Does anyone out there repair these boards?? Had I tested this 4 years ago I could have returned it but now.... well I just want to fix it and move on. Thanks in advance!!!!!!!!
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