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I was about to try your solution to your problem when much to my shock (almost) and suprise I noticed the power chord to my Legacy Comand Set (6-14295) wallwart (620-4202-000)  was nearly seperated from the wallwart itself. It was on the floor but in a hidden area so noone could acidently kick it or trip over the wire.  So, thank GOD I discovered this issue after reading some comments on here and before the entire house burned down !!

Now, having said that, would anyone know what I can use to power my #990 now ? Unless I'm wrong, my old eyes are not what they used to be, it seems that  Lionel longer carries  them ... WHY, I haven't a clue, but this appears to be the case, lame as it might be. In fact, at the Lionel Store  their adverisment, in describing what you will recieve with your $400. '#990 Legacy Command Set' purchase doesn't appear to include this, or ANY powwer (wallwart) itself. Now how the heck is that ?  But I digress...
Would anyone know if the chord itself can be easily replaced by the everage consumer ? I see four phillips head screws and no 'no user servisable parts inside' warning but I would imagine that me, doing my own electrical repair, might violate some home insurance company rule (Not UL tested, whatever ?) so I would just as soon replace it.
*I just  took a break half way through typing this and found several for sale on epay, supposedly 'NIB', going for, when all is said and done, $96. !! Grrrrrrrr. So my question has mophed into 'Is this asking price reasonable, as in the ballpark if I were to have bought it from Lionel when they were available ? Yes, I'm THAT stubborn/pig headed when it comes to stuff like this. I would reather do without if I'm being played for a chump.
Anyway, I'm still going to post this as a heads up to others who own these things!  It really could have caused a fire. And if anyone has one for sale at a REASONABLE price please let me know, I know that sounds odd if not contradictory but if I were to buy the same product again I now know that these units have a weak point and, should I decide to replace it with a new or even a used one,  I will make sure that this can not happen again. Thanks.

Last edited by 4_Sticks
@trnluvr posted:

Glad you found it. Actually when I checked for it I just typed in legacy base and it came up with 36 results. Interestingly the circuit boards show out of stock except the radio board. I wonder if it's just a case of them keeping them for in house repairs?


Apparntly we are experiencing are going to start experiencing all kinds of shortages and price hikes, Not that there is such a great demand for model railroading pieces but  probelms with the manufatcuring/supplies of various medals etc. I don't know exactly whats inside of these things but it could be related to this from what I just heard.

Last edited by 4_Sticks

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