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Unfortunately almost all these older 1/64 cars are out of production. I was able to get a wide variety of the cars when they were first released. The best source I have found recently are the vendors that sell at the Auto Shows. Both the LA and the San Diego Auto Shows have had vendors in the selling area that bring thousands of the 1/64 cars. They both buy and sell although they cannot buy in the show hall.

Great thread, guys!  I've been busy with a move for the past few months, and it's still not completely done.  Anyway, I'll be posting a few of my 1:64 cars and other vehicles.  But beware.... it can become another hobby in itself!    And, contrary to popular opinion, there's a LOT of 1:64 trains out there to go with them!

A  truckload of 1957 Fords to go to my Ford dealership:

A street scene on my unfinished layout.  The bus is from a Menards O scale flatcar, but the bus is perfect 1:64:

A custom painted Ford Econoline pickup with a 1934 roadster body being delivered to my Rod and Custom shop:

A fire house with a few nice fire engines.  The building started out as a simple "flat" but I added the other walls and interior details.

Finally for today, my own 1937 Ford Tudor sedan with 1937 Mullins Red Cap luggage trailer.  The car started out as a 1937 Cabriolet, but a few blobs of body filler made it into a sedan.  The trailer is scratch built out of styrene:

The model:

The actual vehicles:

Take care, and Happy Fourth!


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Tom and Ray,

I’m sorry for being so long in acknowledging your question about the blue Northern Pacific truck in the pictures I posted several days ago.  

I haven’t had much time lately to do much fun stuff such as get on the OGR Forum, so I only recently saw either of your comments.

Unfortunately, I don’t recall who made that blue truck.  It is still sitting on the layout at the clubhouse in Portland, and I will try to remember to take a look the next time I get up there; however, that could be awhile.



In the absence of being able to actually run trains or do any modeling, I have to dig into The Archives to find photos of past 1:64 vehicles.

So as not to say there's no cars or trucks in this shot, look for the Ford Pickup and VW microbus in this photo.  Construction vehicles in 1:64 are out there too.  This shot was taken in the early stages of my layout construction when I needed buildings for my town.  My 1:64 construction crews wee busy that day!

To show what a little paint for detailing can do, here's a Hot Wheels Batmobile after emerging from the "paint shop".  Now back to Stately Wayne Manor...

A gas station that a good friend built for me after I illuminated it with LEDs.  The hot rod roadster on the right is awaiting an engine.  The wagon is Hot Wheels.

Tractors Supply had these little gems for a buck!  They make great gondola or flatcar loads.

And who wouldn't like one of these in real life?


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I am running out of new items on the layout, beyond this will require an archeological dig into the storage crates.

Here are some Oldsmobiles on the layout. The blue, black, bronze and red are all the same manufacturer. The blue, black and bronze are 1953’s. The bronze has the clear plastic hood that was used on the NYC Auto Show display car. The red is a mild custom 1950 fastback. The green car is a 1950 two door sedan by a different manufacturer, I have multiple colors of these.



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@AmFlyer posted:

I am running out of new items on the layout, beyond this will require an archeological dig into the storage crates.

Here are some Oldsmobiles on the layout. The blue, black, bronze and red are all the same manufacturer. The blue, black and bronze are 1953’s. The bronze has the clear plastic hood that was used on the NYC Auto Show display car. The red is a mild custom 1950 fastback. The green car is a 1950 two door sedan by a different manufacturer, I have multiple colors of these.


I remember those cars, rode in several of them, was still to young to drive at that time. I did have both a 1951 and a 1952 Chevrolet, both hardtops. The 51 was stick, the 52 had Powerglide. I would drive the 51 in the field next door, I didn't have my license yet, I got the 52 when I got the license and drove it hard til the engine made loud knocking noise and then expired. My next car was the 1955 Pontiac Chieftan, probably my favorite of all my cars

The one pictured here is very close to the color of mine.

my poncho

I did locate another truck for the thread.Economy



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  • Economy
@TrainsRMe posted:

Tom, I had heard of Testa Rossas, but didn't know there were different numerical designations within the model.

  Here's another unidentified Hot Wheels.  It is marked Malaysia, 1987.  Sure looks like some model of Porsche to me, and it sports a simulated rear engine.   The casting seems rather crude compared to other Hot Wheels cars.  See above the front bumper in the first photo and over the rear wheel and windows in the second.


That’s a Porsche 959.

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