Thanks for the kind words. I am not the photographer that some of our fellow list members are, but, I still enjoy sharing my layout with others.
Also, I love your layout. I have a soft spot in my heart for Manhattan and the Bronx. I am a baseball fanatic, an ex-intercollegiate catcher. I also have been a life-long Yankee fan. Your rendering of the stadium with Don Larsen on the mound in the 1956 World Series is a great way to commemorate that great piece of Yankee history. It was a bit before my conscious memory. I was only 5 years old at the time, but, I am sure my mother had it on our television in the afternoon. I do remember the next few years seeing Whitey Ford, Yogi (my favorite player ever) and Mickey Mantle playing with Casey (You can look it up) Stengle managing. Those are my favorite baseball memories.
Sorry for the digression. I sometimes get wound up on a topic other than the one being discussed.