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Here it is....

First, go to the webpage to which you refer in your post.  In the address bar of that webpage, highlight and then click copy.  Come back to the forum to make your post.  Type the copy you want and then you have two ways you can do this:  Either paste the entire address/link or if you want to do it like I did above, just type and then highlight the word or words you want to use for the link, click on the insert/edit link symbol above and then paste the copy you made of the web address into the "URL" blank.  Hit "ok" and it should work when you click on the highlighted word or words....

Last edited by OGR CEO-PUBLISHER

Yeah this is an odd one.   Even right clicking on the link in the OP and "open link in new tab" it replaces the first "(" with "["

When I simply copy the link, and paste it into my browser address bar it takes me to the proper page, without changing the "("

FYI   I tried it on IE and Firefox on PC, and Safari, Firefox, and Chrome on Mac.  Always the error when linking from here, but all worked with copy/paste.   Odd for sure!

Here is the response from Hoopla Tech Support:

...that is a result of some code that we have that is designed to prevent users from inadvertently activating Javascript via the URL, and it will only occur when the link includes an opening parentheses, which is common with Wikipedia, apparently. I was able to recreate the issue using that same link. We can fix that issue, and I've put a report into the system to do so, although I don't know when it will be fixed.

I see that the issue is also happening sometimes when users are using the "insert link" option, but I wasn't able to recreate that issue using Chrome, or on my iPad, as I see GregM was doing. That seems to be a separate issue, and we can trouble shoot, but will need the specifics of what people are using in terms of OS and browser, including the version numbers.

There ya go...

Link copied to your clipboard.