Originally Posted by Fred Boreale:
Hi Everyone,
Can anyone tell me how many different owners Lionel has had since the 1970 era which
I think would be MPC,and the years they owned them, I have a SD40 marked CPG from 1982,
Who was CPG?
Thanks for any info you might have.
Lionel train production under General Mills:
1) MPC: 1970-1972
2) Fundimensions: 1973-1985
Kenner-Parker (spun off by General Mills): 1986 (only a few months)
Lionel Trains after General Mills:
Lionel Trains, Inc (aka the Richard Kughn era): 1986-1995
Lionel LLC (First majority owned by Wellsprings, then Guggenheim, both investment/management companies): 1995 - Present
CPG = Consumer Packaged Goods, which Fundimensions was under. General Mills did a fair amount of re-structuring and spinning off its divisions while Lionel trains was under their ownership