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I got an email from Mr Muffin’s Trains saying tomorrow (Thurs Jan 12) is the release date.   They have 300 copies of the paper catalog if anyone is interested.  Free but you pay shipping.   I submitted an order.  😝  I thought I read somewhere that the online catalog is more complete but there’s something about paging through the catalog as opposed to clicking through a website….

@VJandP posted:

I got an email from Mr Muffin’s Trains saying tomorrow (Thurs Jan 12) is the release date.   I thought I read somewhere that the online catalog is more complete but there’s something about paging through the catalog as opposed to clicking through a website….

Yep, thats exactly what happened to the Oct. 2022 Catalog. Only expensive locomotive highlights were shown in the print version. Many freight cars and accessories were on line only.

Yep, thats exactly what happened to the Oct. 2022 Catalog. Only expensive locomotive highlights were shown in the print version. Many freight cars and accessories were on line only.

Print media is now very expensive. The high grade paper used in these catalogs, full color printing, binding, distribution etc. etc. are all huge expenses. Lionel's approach to cut cost: produce a catalog with fewer pages, by featuring only the top-of-the-line items, and for all else use an on-line catalog.

Presumably there's still a sizeable demand for printed catalogs, and it's also a great marketing tool, and an important tradition, after all. Therefore it's worthwhile for Lionel to produce them, even if they don't show everything. This is my take, at least.

@RamblerDon posted:

@MartyE At this point if Lionel doesn't have a PE BB, they will have a riot. I am wondering if Team Lionel is scrambling as we speak to add one into the online version of the catalog?

That's about as crazy as a Polar Express Bi-Pola.....

Um Never mind.

Photo Dec 05 2021, 11 18 29 AM

Photo by MartyE.


Images (1)
  • Photo Dec 05 2021, 11 18 29 AM
Last edited by MartyE
@MartyE posted:

That's about as crazy as a Polar Express Bi-Pola.....

Um Never mind.

Photo Dec 05 2021, 11 18 29 AM

Photo by MartyE.

Given how much they seem to be milking the Big Boy tooling for all it's worth, and that they apparently had at least some success with the PE Acela, I wouldn't be shocked if they do at some point.  Acela was $$$, but apparently there's a market (and secondary market) for high-end PE spinoffs.  Could also get some non-UP folks to buy. 

Or maybe they'll do a PE Dreyfuss....  🤣

@leapinlarry posted:

We are simply Hours away from all the answers to our Questions, the new Lionel  dream book will arrive….. It’s so Exciting…. Wow, it’s going to be fun going page by page and seeing what this new catalog will truly offer. Happy Railroading Everyone

Larry! It looks like you made it onto Lionels home page! New catalog, on the couch, cup of coffee. I hope they're giving you a few bucks. LOL!

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