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Hi everyone,

I am trying to restring a Lionel Gantry Crane string for the Raising and lowering of the magnet hook.  Since this was already broken, I do not know where I should feed the strings through and along the boom to the pulleys and back.  I've tried several sources such as a Lionel Manual, the Greenberg Service Manual, but nothing shows the path.  If anyone could post or refer me to a page with pictures showing the path points I would be much obliged.


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My problem was that I needed to restring the thread wire that the hook which holds the magnet is supported by.  and I didn't know where to feed it... from out of the capstan (Inside of the Cab) onto the crane boom , down the pulley loop for the hook and then tie off on the boom as I pictured.  (I was missing the fact that it ties off and does not actually return to the cab).

If you are not getting movement of the string to raise or lower the magnet, then I would reference other posts that deal with troubleshooting the controller or the cams that control the movement  (Left/Right) and the boom (Up/Down).  I am not well versed on those yet (Mine operated fine outside of the new thread )

Good Luck!


If memory serves this crane is setup differently from the classic 282. The 282 has one motor and a clutch to shift between the hoist and the cab rotation.  The 12834 does not. I think it has 2 can motors.  The end result is if you turn the cab in one direction, the hoist winds up.  So to get it back down, one needs to rotate the cab in the opposite direction. At least that's what I remember. I have not played with mine in a long time.



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