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Hi all,

Im having some issues with a Mohawk I received for Christmas this past season.

I noticed that on speed step 1 the locomotive hesitates and lurches a little, the ashpan, cab light, and headlight flicker during this, it clears up on speed step 2. The locomotives wheels and rollers are clean and my track is also clean. I have attached a video file of this issue. It’s also worth mentioning it doesn’t do this on a test track with rollers it only does it when the locomotive actually needs to move.

The Mohawk also has some weird TMCC issue where after a short period of time it starts playing sounds and commands on its own, from the whistle, to the crewtalk, and pretty much any other sound. It still responds to commands during this time but it has a mind of its own as well. It does this with or without the top shell on.

Im thinking an issues with the R2LC, if this is the case is it possible to repair whatever failed components there are on the board? Or am I better off replacing the whole deal. If replacement is the better option could someone point me in the direction of one?

Thanks in advance


Videos (1)
Last edited by TheTrainMain
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If you purchased the locomotive new from an authorized dealer, why not talk to Lionel Customer Service and return it for warranty. I have 3 different vintage Mohawks and all run fine. My last one was purchased from Mr. Muffins Trains and I did experience some issues similar to what you are experiencing. I sent it back to Lionel and they corrected the problems.  Why not talk with Lionel Customer Service and return it for repair. My three Lionel Mohawks all run fine on my Legacy Control System.

Before you go too nuts, verify your antenna path is good, ….with the shell off, be sure the lead antenna wire is up, and not touching anything. Verify your locomotive shell’s handrails are isolated, and not touching the shell …..the coupler cut bar gets mighty close to the handrails on the L2a line up ( both TMCC & Legacy ) ……Once those items are verified, I’d try a reset to see what happens, …..if you have the owners manual, it’ll give you the steps……I believe the reset code is 74??……..also verify how you have this engine programmed in your remote,…..sometimes having a TMCC engine not programmed correctly will let it run, but odd behaviors can happen…..if that doesn’t work, than it’s more than likely a reception issue as Rod points out……could be a couple issues, ….check the magnet ring for cracks on the flywheel, and make sure it isn’t loose…..cracked magnet ring needs to be replaced, not glued…..Also could be an issue with the Oddesy driver……all above are known top suspects for odd behaviors….


@harmonyards posted:

Before you go too nuts, verify your antenna path is good, ….with the shell off, be sure the lead antenna wire is up, and not touching anything. Verify your locomotive shell’s handrails are isolated, and not touching the shell …..the coupler cut bar gets mighty close to the handrails on the L2a line up ( both TMCC & Legacy ) ……Once those items are verified, I’d try a reset to see what happens, …..if you have the owners manual, it’ll give you the steps……I believe the reset code is 74??……..also verify how you have this engine programmed in your remote,…..sometimes having a TMCC engine not programmed correctly will let it run, but odd behaviors can happen…..if that doesn’t work, than it’s more than likely a reception issue as Rod points out……could be a couple issues, ….check the magnet ring for cracks on the flywheel, and make sure it isn’t loose…..cracked magnet ring needs to be replaced, not glued…..Also could be an issue with the Oddesy driver……all above are known top suspects for odd behaviors….


I’ve already tried a reset, I’ll try again. It was acting funky out of the box too it wouldn’t respond to the legacy remote at all for a while and eventually it just started working. I already checked the handrails and at some point one was definitely touching the pilot but not anymore. It still messes up even with the antenna wire sticking up and not obstructed, I’ll check it’s molex connector on the board to make sure it’s fully seated properly.

@Bill Park posted:

If you purchased the locomotive new from an authorized dealer, why not talk to Lionel Customer Service and return it for warranty. I have 3 different vintage Mohawks and all run fine. My last one was purchased from Mr. Muffins Trains and I did experience some issues similar to what you are experiencing. I sent it back to Lionel and they corrected the problems.  Why not talk with Lionel Customer Service and return it for repair. My three Lionel Mohawks all run fine on my Legacy Control System.

No can do, my buddy didn’t get it from a dealer and with the age of this locomotive and the fact that Lionel no longer offers the parts I highly doubt they’d even look at it, ontop of that I’ve had issues with Lionels support before and Im sure sending this to them would only add more issues when I got it back.

@Rod Stewart posted:

That sounds like R2LC trouble to me. They are generally a replacement only item. If you have another TMCC engine you could swap in the board and that will determine if the board is flakey. They are NLA at Lionel but Jim Sandman may be able to supply one; I am sure there are other sources too.

I’ll check that, I have to see if I can find any other code CO8 R2LCs. If I could find an ERR R4LC would that work as a replacement? Also is there anyone who sells them separately from the cruise commanders?

I’ll check that, I have to see if I can find any other code CO8 R2LCs. If I could find an ERR R4LC would that work as a replacement? Also is there anyone who sells them separately from the cruise commanders?

That’s the problem …radio boards are like gold right now, …..obviously Lionel ain’t making them, and no separate sale ones available from ERR,……..if you have one you could rob as a test, that’d be your best bet to confirm your repair, then hunt one down…..plan on it stinging a wee bit…..


So here’s where I’m at,

I swapped the R2LC with one out of another locomotive and that solved the command issue I was having. The other issue is still very present. The magnet ring looks fine to me and at literally every other speed step she runs fine, it’s just speed step one. I also noticed that for a few seconds in reverse it seems to run ok before the issue starts up.
I attached some footage I took of her running at speed step one and at speed step 14 or 15.


Videos (2)

I’d agree with Rod yet again, ….verify you have no binding of the chassis. You can accomplish this test by removing the worm shaft under the  gearbox cover. Remove the 4 screws, and pull up on the worm shaft. They’re a snug slip fit, but will pull up & out with little effort. Then, you can roll the chassis like a hot wheels car, and inspect for tight spots. Adjust as necessary. If the chassis rolls smoothly, and you’ve lubed and cleaned everything, including the motor shaft ends, then it’s time to suspect the motor driver. …..can’t exactly remember if this Mohawk has a separate Oddysey on/off switch??…….if so, is Oddysey on? ……might also want to verify switch is good if so present, just to rule out something silly like a bad switch. Your video seems to show it in crusie, but it’s hard to say for sure…….you still got a little checking to do…..


So I opened up the gearbox, nothing really of note there and no binding in the wheels or siderods. I cleaned out all of the old grease and re greased the gearbox. After putting it back together she runs quite a bit better, still does the odd stutter once in a while but not every time like before, Im gonna swap out the front roller for the double rollers that Lionel added to the Legacy versions to help with power pickup since I don’t think 2 single rollers are enough for a locomotive of this size. Of course I ordered them and many more items around 2 weeks ago and when I get my package 90% of it is not what I ordered, so if anyone ordered a caboose stack, rolling stock steps, and Alco sideframes I got them. Gotta contact Lionel about that, this is like the 4th time in a row they’ve messed up my order, I gave up trying to get the right parts last time but Im gonna try harder this time since well, I sorta need them. Anyways enjoy some footage of her running strong.


Videos (2)

Only thing I really notice is a little bit of Oddysey lurch, which is typical of this era. Remember, these TMCC engines don’t have a gazzillion speed steps, so the steps tend to be a bit more aggressive then legacy or back EMF stuff ( ERR & some Lionel back EMF equipped stuff ) ……All of my stock TMCC Mohawks run just like that,…’s about  as good as it gets….


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