I found a complete 671R set locally. Assuming it does not work, what is it worth? Is there any demand for this radio controlled train? Is it worth fixing?
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Condition is everything Bill, ......it’s worth what you’re willing pay for it, and what the seller will let it go for....interesting train set. I’d reckon a really nicely preserved set would fetch a descent penny, other than that, if you like it, and it’s in your budget, buy it fix it and run it....enjoy!........Pat
I have the set with boxes, no set box. The only off the wall offer I have had was for the boxes. $100.00 Of course that was a no thanks not selling the boxes. Prices are everywhere on this set so go with what's comfortable for you.
@Jim 1939 posted:I have the set with boxes, no set box. The only off the wall offer I have had was for the boxes. $100.00 Of course that was a no thanks not selling the boxes. Prices are everywhere on this set so go with what's comfortable for you.
Jim, I may be interested in the set. My email is in profile. Thanks
Matt if you were local we could talk and mayhaps make a deal. Detroit area. But I'm not one for shipping things.
As always, eBay is a national - international - market, so I check there first. Best price guide around.
One 671R set for sale right now; they want $1350.00 for it. Didn't read the particulars. That's just the "asking", of course.
2 or 3 of the electronic locos have recently sold for around $200.00.
Do not know the box situation on any of the above.