I have all of the electronics needed to convert my 1991 Lionel 700E Hudson to TMCC. But, before I start disassembly and all that ....
If you have done this, was it worth it? Especially if you have newer Hudsons with TMCC, PS2, PS3, or Legacy?
It doesn't have traction tires. I have 3% grades. Smoke is piston-driven, not fan. There does not appear to be a way to interface the original RailSounds boards with the ERR AC Commander, so an ERRsounds module is needed (I have one) and then the tender chuff sensor interfacing needs attention. Cruise isn't happening, given the Pullmor motor. Multiconductor tether needed. And so on.
With a J1d, K-Line/Harmon J1e, and two non-streamlined J3a Hudsons on the premises (plus streamlined J3s), is there really "value added" by having a converted 700E competing for roundhouse space? Or should it just get a lube job and enjoy life in its display case?