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I have two AMTRAK GG1s in my set-up.  My grandson loves the idea of two engines.  Individually, they easily pull the six cars.  Collectively, they seem to fight each other for power, when running together.  Is there a simple method (and it has to be simple as I am not skilled here) to easily turn one of the two engines into a "dummy" engine?  I am hoping that having only one powered engine would make the train move better and preserve the two engine look my grandson so loves.

Any and all suggestions are appreciated.



BTW - I would happily buy a dummy GG1 engine and swap shells, if that is the best solution.

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Having two powered locomotives coupled together does not work very well because of slight differences in their running. One usually is slightly faster than the other and it ends up either pulling or pushing the other locomotive.

Converting a powered engine into a dummy involves removing the motor.

Easier to get a non-powered engine if there is one available.


Give this a shot,’s worth the try anyways,....I assume you’re running in conventional ......lock both locomotives to run forward,.....set them both on a straight run of track not coupled to one another, nor no cars, apply power, whichever one runs faster, put that engine at the very front of the train set, then see what it does, might help, it might not,....but it’s a fast solution if it does,....


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