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@Bob posted:

Only if you leave it sealed in the box, never opened.  Here's a thought.  Buy 3 of them: one to run, one to display, and one to sell in the future for what you paid for all 3.  Think of it, a pair of free Big Boys!

What could go wrong?  

That’s actually not totally crazy…LOL.  Particularly when I win the lottery for #4019 and get that third one for free.  Or at least that’s what I’m going to tell myself.  

I also keep telling myself I’m being patriotic by supporting an historic piece of Americana (o gauge railroading generally) and small businesses.  Everything from Lionel itself to the train stores I deal with are “small” to very small and worthy of supporting.

I preordered the Mickey hand car.    I've contemplated buying the original or Pride Lines version over they years.  It's an anniversary issue and the price was right.  I like the Great Locomotive Chase set  since I don't have any American style engines and the price is in the affordable range.  However, I'm less interested if the drive, sound and control system are Thomas like.  Higher quality General sets are probably available on the bay for similar money although many are not bidirectional and without command ?  Also, the set is in stores now which means I can't preorder and pay later in time for 2023 under the tree.

@IRON HORSE posted:

Anyone want to add an anti-Christ car to their layout?  There's nothing like a good ol' Exorcist car, isn't there, complete with the girl floating back and forth above the train car as it ****s your layout for eternity?  I joked with my wife about adding this and she said she would burn my layout to the ground if I did! exorcist

Cannot wait, already have creative plans for "kit bashing" these cars. I will initially order three with my LHS.

Wow, that’s a great question, and after a bit of scanning through this nice new catalog, I’m seeing some beautiful VisionLine Cabooses, Union Pacific style to go behind the Big Boy locomotives. Now, I’m seeing an Area 51 Diner, so, I’m wondering if this is related to the MTH Mel’s Diner? Possibility that Lionel bought this accessory build. I’m trying to narrow down my choices for a good legacy steamer, just need to do more investigating. This is a big catalog. Happy Railroading Everyone

@IRON HORSE posted:

Anyone want to add an anti-Christ car to their layout?  There's nothing like a good ol' Exorcist car, isn't there, complete with the girl floating back and forth above the train car as it ****s your layout for eternity?  I joked with my wife about adding this and she said she would burn my layout to the ground if I did! exorcist

God bless your wife.

She probably also knows that the devil is in the details, there might be quality control problems, and you would have to go through he** to get them fixed.

Honestly I found the catalog well rounded. Pricing is what it is I just have to see what I’m willing to part with.

The new big boy has me interested I have the original VL but something different would be cool and new features are always a plus. #4019 has my eye. But the pricing for the LCCA while not drastically different than some dealer pricing was actually cheaper.

I’m also really interested in the new VL caboose, sounds like a fun item and I do enjoy the sound cars.

while I’d love an excuse to pickup more VL reefers at the moment I’m not convinced I need them

also excited to see them continue the UP excursion cars so I’ll probably pick up the new two pack.

the last thing while I really don’t want to spend more is I’d really like to see a dealer do BSA 2010 as a custom run. I don’t know if licensing is an issue but either way I’d would support it if it happened.

Custom runs have become my favorite part of new catalog releases. So, I usually can’t answer the question of this thread until they’re announced. Has anyone announced any yet?  It seems to be quiet on the custom front this time around. I suppose it’s still early, but it seems like we’d normally have heard at least the first ones by now.

Last edited by Rider Sandman

Custom runs have become my favorite part of new catalog releases. So, I usually can’t answer the question of this thread until they’re announced. Has anyone announced any yet?  It seems to be quiet on the custom front this time around. I suppose it’s still early, but it seems like we’d normally have heard at least the first ones by now.

Legacy Station is doing an Eric's Trains SW9 switcher.

I went through it a few times fast and nothing grabbed me as a must have, so right now I'm a little bummed, not the catalog I was anticipating.  I thought there would be more new variety in Legacy or LC2.0 steam but a lot of the same stuff from the last few years.

I guess I'll be on more this year filling out my collection.

Still on the hunt for the MTH Railking 30-1741-1 Breast Cancer Commodore Hudson

Agreed.  Very disappointed in the lack of LC+2.0 stuff, in fact there's less than last year from what I see.  I came into O Gauge too late and cannot get any type of system to run Legacy (unless I want to pay a billion dollars on EvilBay for one) so I am stuck with LC or conventional products for the foreseeable future.  And it seems like this supposed new Base 3 is just never going to get released, they just keep pushing it back and back and back...

@James Brown posted:

Agreed.  Very disappointed in the lack of LC+2.0 stuff, in fact there's less than last year from what I see.  I came into O Gauge too late and cannot get any type of system to run Legacy (unless I want to pay a billion dollars on EvilBay for one) so I am stuck with LC or conventional products for the foreseeable future. 

I agree. I am very lucky I got into the hobby back in around 2017 and picked up some Lionchief plus items for dirt cheap.

Love the Lionchief plus line and hate it is gone. The 2.0 line is great but not much better than the plus in my opinion.

Both having fan driven smoke was what my attraction to it was. They were close to the MTH Railking line of locomotives.

The 2.0 line has gotten very expensive lately so I wonder if the demand at that cost has shifted to just going with Legacy at this point. I hope they are not phasing the 2.0 line out and just sticking with plain Lionchief for the cheaper models.

Maybe the mid year catologs will start to have more Lionchief Plus 2.0 items.


This catalog will be hard not to order from.

pre-orders for the Lionel 2023 catalog.

2331402 NYC DREYFUSS # 5452

2331401 NYC DREYFUSS # 5449

2327310 20TH CENTURY LIMITED 4pac.


2327320 20TH CENTURY LIMITED 2pac.




And I hope not to talk myself into anything else lol.

@paigetrain posted:

i keep looking at that halloween mikado like i need it

1 i want a steam engine and 2 i want my layout to be haunted like the groovy spooky scooby doo sort of way

the problem its 700 bucks and my godparents who know little to nothing about this hobby differences in engines, power systems etc are gonna see that price and imediatly hassle me about why i want it and give this big long speech about it being too much money

so i don't even know why i bother anymore

Hi Cody, don't let the high cost of something you want sour your passion. I'm in my sixties and still "want" some of those trains in the latest catalog but the cost can't be justified. I

I like the haunted idea for your layout - you can do a good amount of kitbashing to much less expensive engines and rolling stock to get what you want for your empire.

Remember, with few exceptions these items will be available and less expensive in a couple of years.

In the meantime - enjoy what you are building. I may splurge and get that "groovy Trolley" for my STBBL (Soon to be built layout).


@N'awlins posted:

Y’all I am strongly considering the North Pole Central E8 set. It’s not something I usually get, but…

1) it’s ridiculously beautiful

2) the chances of it being made again are remote

addendum: ordered!

They had better spell “Yuletide” correctly. In the catalog it is misspelled “Yueltide”

I have not bought any Lionel since 2017 because of an issue I had with a loco and the way it was handled. But...........I am on the fence about this set. I think that is drop dead gorgeous.

I was thinking about getting a VL big boy 4014 with the oil tender. Now I believe this one is supposed to have a gloss finish for the engine and tender .

Is there anyone here that got the gloss version from the last run in 2019, do you like how it turned out and do you have any pictures in person of it, any regrets???

I was at Nicholas Smith over the weekend and saw the Norfolk and western with the gloss finish and didn't really care for it. It's not a big deal if I get it or not. I already have a VL big boy from 2015,  4012 which is on display at Steamtown.

Any help I would appreciate it.

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