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@IRON HORSE posted:


To you and VinceL's points, as much as the Exorcist car creeped me out, I love the Area 51 diner and accessories.  Very fun and creative ideas from Lionel.  I have the MTH Harley-Davidson diner, and it is one my favorite accessories.  The sounds and action are awesome, and it's been a very reliable operator for years.  If I had room on my layout, I would have put an Area51 scene in, too.  It's a great way to add fun UFO stuff without being too out of this world crazy/whimsical because they actually celebrate area 51 in New Mexico.


This is such a great hobby. In general, I agree with Iron Horse on the idea of having fun stuff on the layout but without it being too out of this world crazy/whimsical. Then I come across something like Menard’s U.F.O. Cow Abduction Scene (product 279-4439) which is completely off the wall. It’s so transcendentally whacky, I would not hesitate to put it on my layout. It perfectly expresses the plight of a hapless cow that floats upward in a UFO’s tractor beam. The farmer has a rope on the cow and is putting up a valiant tug of war against alien cattle rusting. Meanwhile his loyal dog is holding two of the aliens at bay. I must admit that I find it a bit unnerving how much I like the floating cow. Because the recently cancelled Lionel Exorcist car also had a floating item – a possessed girl. Floating cow – funny, whimsical. Floating possessed girl – not so much.

@2012ford posted:

Well here is my order out this catalog two big boys 4014 oil burning and 4024 Greyhound along with the 4 pack passenger the 2 pack passenger and the station sounds diner car, the UP vision caboose in yellow the mickey and Minnie handcar in red the Nascar 75 anniversary boxcar and a late addition trainworld/rbp Katy es44

Go Big or go home!  I "only" ordered 1 big boy and had to pass on the passenger cars... of course, my "one big boy" will come with the Big Boy super set so there is that.

I already mentioned that I never pre-ordered anything.  I want to order a Cotton Belt GP 20 from the 2023 catalog, so I asked one of the sponsors when I needed to have the order in by.  Their answer was 'as soon as possible'.  Can anyone provide more clarity to that (which actually ticked me off a little bit)?  My problem is that I've passed this idea onto my wife to get me for Christmas, and I need to give her as much guidance as possible.

@texgeekboy posted:

I already mentioned that I never pre-ordered anything.  I want to order a Cotton Belt GP 20 from the 2023 catalog, so I asked one of the sponsors when I needed to have the order in by.  Their answer was 'as soon as possible'.  Can anyone provide more clarity to that (which actually ticked me off a little bit)?  My problem is that I've passed this idea onto my wife to get me for Christmas, and I need to give her as much guidance as possible.

Everything, especially motive power, is bto (built to order) these days.  Dealers might order extra, but some (if not most) only order what they pre-sell.  Unfortunately that's the o-gauge world we live in now.  By not pre-ordering you risk the chance to get one, and it might be difficult to find in the market afterwards.

@texgeekboy posted:

.  I want to order a Cotton Belt GP 20 from the 2023 catalog, so I asked one of the sponsors when I needed to have the order in by.  Their answer was 'as soon as possible'.  Can anyone provide more clarity to that (which actually ticked me off a little bit)?

The preorder date as far as the "preorder discount" for this catalog has passed. I believe this was the end of February if I recall correctly.

You can still preorder an item at the "regular price" prior to delivery.

The larger dealers always have extra stock of the regular production items. Vision Line, more specifically brass hybrid items have a more limited availability.

I'd be inclined to think the gp 20 would still be in stock for some time beyond initial delivery.

Having said that. In fairness to the dealer. The only way to absolutely 100% guarantee delivery is to order sooner.  Those that order during the "early buy" discount period are part of the dealers "original order". Those buying beyond that get locos from additional stock that the dealer orders based on projected sales.

Again, larger dealers typically have many extras for awhile. Some smaller dealers may have a more limited supply reducing the risk of stock sitting on the shelves for longer than they prefer to have. Different shops, have different business models.

Last edited by RickO

@Frank Mulligan and @RickO,

Thanks for the info.  I used to see a lot of Cotton Belt engines in the Houston area in the 70s and later, but nothing for quite a few years.  With the size of my anticipated layout the GP 20 would be a very nice fit.  The UP engines are about the only thing I see now, but I don't like their bright colors.  I'm a battleship gray type of guy.

@texgeekboy Check with the 'larger' dealers. For example, even tho the BTO order deadline is long gone, you can still 'pre-order' from a dealer like Train World, at the discounted price. They order extras, and often continue to let orders come in at the discounted price. They aren't the only one - several do this. So in short, you can still 'pre-order' from one of those dealers and feel secure that you will get one. No guarantees if you wait until they are actually on the shelves, but again, the larger dealers will likely have them later on too, at least to some extent.


I just placed an order with Trainworld for the Cotton Belt GP20.  I was going to use Charles Ro, but their ordering process seemed like it wasn't a preorder and it looked like I might have had to pay today, can't say for sure.  Anyway, my boss gave me the go ahead to get it since I'm actively trying to sell 8 Lionel cars/engines I currently own, all in mint condition.  The link to that FS post is here.

Now, I'm just crossing my fingers that doesn't cancelled.

Last edited by texgeekboy
@texgeekboy posted:


I just placed an order with Trainworld for the Cotton Belt GP20.  I was going to use Charles Ro, but their ordering process seemed like it wasn't a preorder and it looked like I might have had to pay today, can't say for sure.  Anyway, my boss gave me the go ahead to get it since I'm actively trying to sell 8 Lionel cars/engines I currently own, all in mint condition.  The link to that FS post is here.

Now, I'm just crossing my fingers that doesn't cancelled.

Nothing you order from Charles RO or Trainworld for that matter is charged before it is shipped. Even if it's actually a preorder Charles RO will show it as backorder, as they did with the Lionel 2023 catalog items and recent MTH items. That's just how they roll. So don't fear, it won't be charged until shipped be it next month or next year. I think you will find that Charles RO prices are lower than TW and shipping charges are lower too. Both are great dealers. TW has the TW Exclusives which I have ordered several of.

Last edited by Dave 69 GTEL
@texgeekboy posted:

@Dave 69 GTEL,

Yeah, I thought as much but wasn't 100% sure.  The TW pre-order process was clearer.  The price at TW and CR for that unit was the same, but no shipping charge info yet.

Trainworld and Charles Ro charge flat rate shipping based on purchase price.

The shipping charge information can be found on their respective websites under "shipping policies" . I believe the links are at the bottom of the dealer home page.

Last edited by RickO

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