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If I put a bridge rectifier on the field of a pullmore motor and wire direct to the track so 18 volts is there all the time and no polarity change to field with a electric cruise commander with the motor brushes wired to the motor as a permag dc motor, will it work?

Last edited by ironlake2
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Among other issues, just the field or just the armature wired to the cruise is too much current demanded - very low resistance. The armature and field are designed to be connected in series for the operating voltages we use.


This can be done with a bridge rectifier on the field or the armature in series with the other for DC reversing, but electronic control is still a high current affair and the feedback for cruise is just not there for it to work right.


Try for your own satisfaction running just the motor with a bridge rectifier on the field or the armature in series with the other and a DC power pack with an ammeter. You will get a feel for the limitations of the setup.


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