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I have not been able to get this engine to smoke on a 9x5 loop of Menards track powered by an MTH Z-750 transformer.Everything else I have works and smokes including new Legacy AA E7s. I was having an e-mail conversation with Lionel but they apparently closed around 4:45pm. The last I heard was being asked how many volts the track was getting but I don't have a volt meter.So does the 3 stream Lionel smoke unit need more power to work? My Legacy RS11 and C-420 smoke just fine on my set up.

Last edited by Johnny Winkler
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I have this engine also powered by a z1000 and it too is a very weak smoker.  I've already sent one back because of this and the replacement is weak also. It seems that you need to fill the smoke unit to overflowing to get any smoke at all. Blowing a puff of air down the stack sometimes helps but I've just resigned myself to the fact that these units are poorly designed

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