I hear what you're saying.
However, over the last 25 or so years Amazon and Walmart have kept things affordable for many, many people who's wages haven't risen very much. Value is the key word. Not always cheap as you imply; sometimes, but always inexpensive.
Model and toy trains made over the same period have held up remarkably well.
Sure, some do occasionally need repair, but so did those of 70 years ago. If they hadn't needed repair back then why did Lionel have a service network?
People do not throw away TV's very often.
Cell phones "get old" because technology, and the world that increasingly depends on it, is evolving faster and faster every day. Neither you or I can stop it. You'll have to take the good with the bad in that.
At one time the technology in a prewar locomotive was considered high tech. Why do think so many parents bought the sets for their kids? It was a way to make sure that those children could get ahead of the curve and compete in the world around them.
I am proudly, and very thankfully, one of them. I've had along and very successful career in Engineering that started with an electric train set. Today we call it STEM but it was already there way back then.
Today's tech is no different, except it comes much, much faster.
I think you're looking at the present through some seriously fogged glasses.
What's your alternative?