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I received my copy of the new S Gaugian issue for Jul/Aug 2016. Inside was a very well executed interview by fellow forum member Bill Clark. The article is quite informative and having completed reading it I am pretty well assured that neither MTH nor Lionel is giving their S gauge lines the "cold shoulder". On the contrary it seems that both companies have new product either "in the pipeline", "being contemplated", or on the drawing board.


Last edited by banjoflyer
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I would suggest that we use this thread to talk about what Lionel and MTH had to say about future products as opposed to adding onto the other threads about it (not to include talk about a future fright car on Rocco's thread).   

It's hard, you almost want to be aggravated and pessimistic about L and M's involvement in S, but then you go an read this and article and leave with a warm fuzzy feeling inside.  

First, props to Bill Clark, well done. Exclusives like this and with AM (and maybe Des Plains Hobbies S Scale America Line  hint hint) really keep me subscribing to the S gaugian.  

What i took from it, Legacy is not gone from s, there will likely be new product (not just repaints).  Both the Berkshire in scale (sounded very positive) and the SD40 (recognized by Lionel as a likely winner) make me think that Legacy will continue, just not as fast as some (me) would like.  Lionel also said there will be a new tooled fright car in the "traditional line" in 2017, but that it would likely have some appeal for the scale guys.  It would seem there are not plans for a "modern" fright car.  In reading between the lines, it seemed to me that Lionel recognized they screwed the pooch with the cylindrical hopper fiasco and there is concern that the market is still sore over it, possibly effecting the market demand for future stuff. 

MTH is going to release a previously tooled, but unreleased car that SHS had in the works.  (Anyone have any idea what this could be?). Sounds like a lot of the potential future product (if and what speed) for MTH is gunna hang on the F3 sales numbers.  But MTH made a nice pitch that they are in S for the long hall. 

Thougts anyone?


NotInWI posted:

MTH is going to release a previously tooled, but unreleased car that SHS had in the works.  (Anyone have any idea what this could be?). Sounds like a lot of the potential future product (if and what speed) for MTH is gunna hang on the F3 sales numbers.  But MTH made a nice pitch that they are in S for the long hall. 

Thougts anyone?


There were three projects that didn't see the light of day from SHS.

Two from 2004:

SHS 2004 1

As I understand it, the E7's got back-burnered because of the complexities and resources tied up in bringing the 2-8-0 to life.

SHS 2004 2

Don't know why the bay-window caboose got shelved.

And from 2009:

SHS 2009

The new hopper was announced right before the Sanda Kan Shuffle, but I would suspect this is the car the tooling is complete for.



Images (3)
  • SHS 2004 1
  • SHS 2004 2
  • SHS 2009
Last edited by Rusty Traque

Hi Bill, 

     Thanks for the extensive reviews with Lionel and MTH in the S Gaugian magazine. The answers have restored  My Faith in MTH but Lionel will be on my, Maybe List, for a while to come. I have lost my faith Lionel because of their unspoken words and miss print Photos in the catalogs, For the way they solve problems and The way they put out products that never should have reached the customer with these problems. Shame on them. Lionel in the past have done some fantastic things for their S Gauge Line but of late they seem to be just making what they think to test the us what we will buy and deliver to there customers what ever comes out to their customers in my opinion. Like the Polar Express Sets that wasn't produced when they projected and when it was finally delivered it still included many dysfunctions. I know from personal experience since I ordered two sets and both sets turned out to be a real pain to get operating properly including the two extra cars. NO, I did't return either of them because Lionel didn't have parts nor any replacements. They both work fine now and no credit to Lionel will be given.  

     I am looking to the future right now but that is on hold until MTH makes those F-3's I have on order since 2013. I have a very limited income right now and I can no longer buy everything I see or want.

Happy Railroading in S Gauge


Bill, since Des Plains has an S line, albeit a small one, it would be interesting to read if they are considering expanding their line. S isn't so big that we can ignore "the small guy." And who knows, your interview might encourage them to do more.

Don, my PE ran fine out of the box--maybe I'm one of the lucky ones?? Nah, I seldom have that kind of luck! I too am on a much more limited income, so my future train purchases will be carefully considered! Besides, I have more trains than I could ever run or display! Fortunately, Linda doesn't read stuff on the computer, so I am safe to post this!

Of course, if someone were to make 4449 or 611 or a Cab Forward or SP mogul 1727, well, somewhere I'd rob Peter to pay for them!  Well, unless it's a brass scale engine--wouldn't run on my layout and I'm certain the price would be, um, rather high.


My polar express ran great right out of the box and has been a real crowd pleaser at shows.  Lionel is in process of bringing some manufacturing back to the US, which should improve uneven quality.

Tangent Alert:  Does anyone know what the voltage of DCC is?  I was told the max is 14 volts, which, if true, explains why the engine does move as fast as DC 18 volts.


Des Plains hobbies owns the former Pacific Rail Shops products and tooling, which they call "S Scale America".  When it comes to "modern" tooling, they are the only real game in the business for ready to run products. They are the smallest manufacture we are talking about for sure, but no one is making the stuff they are, and they have added to their own portfolio of products as I understand it, so they too are growing the hobby.  I think you can throw them in the mix with Lionel, MTH, and American Models and they are right at home.  


Actually, "S Scale America" is a conglomeration of products from five or six former small companies (along with some products developed by Des Plaines,) of which Pacific Rail Shops was the largest. 

If I recall correctly, the original S Scale America was responsible for the tank cars, well cars and containers (as kits) way back when and the name is now used for branding the entire lineup of plastic ready to run products.


Last edited by Rusty Traque


Thank you for a Great Interview!!  Really well done.  Thank you for all the work you do to make S Gauge a great scale. 

As to the points that you touched upon: I REALLY want an Exploding Boxcar (at a price point that will allow my grandkids to actually operate it).

It would be great to have Don interview Des Plaines Hobbies.  I really LOVE their products!





traindavid posted:

Bill, since Des Plains has an S line, albeit a small one, it would be interesting to read if they are considering expanding their line. S isn't so big that we can ignore "the small guy." And who knows, your interview might encourage them to do more.

Don, my PE ran fine out of the box--maybe I'm one of the lucky ones?? Nah, I seldom have that kind of luck! I too am on a much more limited income, so my future train purchases will be carefully considered! Besides, I have more trains than I could ever run or display! Fortunately, Linda doesn't read stuff on the computer, so I am safe to post this!

Of course, if someone were to make 4449 or 611 or a Cab Forward or SP mogul 1727, well, somewhere I'd rob Peter to pay for them!  Well, unless it's a brass scale engine--wouldn't run on my layout and I'm certain the price would be, um, rather high.


     Thank you for your kind words. I have been a longtime American Flyer Collector in the TCA. I also have more trains then know what to do with but I am finished collecting and I'm focusing on a large layout. In the past I have made sure all my trains are running with this layout in the back of my mind. I have collected practically everything Lionel had offered until of late for two reasons. 1) The prices they are charging for these trains is getting way to out of sight to buy more then one all at one offering. 2) The workmanship has suffered and then Lionel comes up with some ridicules measures to rectify the situation and make their customers feel completely impudent.

    Thats enough Thanks very much for your kind words and I hope you continue to have good luck with Lionel. Who knows maybe Lionel will manufacture the GS-4, the N&W 611 and the SP Cab Forward one day. I know I would like to have one of those also but I don't think I can hold my breath that long.

Happy Railroading in  S Gauge


As a side note: S Scale Locomotive and Supply has been sold.  SSL&S was a manufacturer of brass  steam locomotive detail parts and also created the scale conversion for the Flyer Y3.  Apparently, the conversions will continue for a while.

From the SSL&S website:

"Dear friends,

After 17 years I have run out of steam and am out of the parts business. I just don't have the energy and the will to do it any longer. I have sold all of the casting and some of the machining equipment. It will take the new owner some time to get organized until after a future move and will announce any plans for the parts at that time.

 I will continue the AF Y3 scale mechanical conversions as long as parts last. I may revisit the AF Mikado sometime in the future.

 After the summer off I hope to recharge and work on my own S stuff.

 We have met many really terrific people on our journey and hope in a small way to have contributed to the scale. Thank you all.

My best always,

Fred Rouse"



Don, I'm in a similar situation. As soon as I get some projects done, I have a room designated "train room" (currently full of stuff stored while I finish the house) and I hope to put up my layout there. Still in the dream stages, but if I can fit it in, I want to do the Dunsmuir Roundhouse and station, and then in the first corner uphill from it, the Shasta Springs station (it will fit nicely in a corner and not take up much, if any room, see pic.). That's about as far as my thinking has gone!  When I start laying down actual dimensions, I may find the roundhouse takes up too much room. Meantime, I fix my old ACG stuff (as much as I like the new stuff, I can fix the old stuff!) and dream of the future layout.


Images (1)
  • travel poster shasta springs
traindavid posted:

Don, I'm in a similar situation. As soon as I get some projects done, I have a room designated "train room" (currently full of stuff stored while I finish the house) and I hope to put up my layout there. Still in the dream stages, but if I can fit it in, I want to do the Dunsmuir Roundhouse and station, and then in the first corner uphill from it, the Shasta Springs station (it will fit nicely in a corner and not take up much, if any room, see pic.). That's about as far as my thinking has gone!  When I start laying down actual dimensions, I may find the roundhouse takes up too much room. Meantime, I fix my old ACG stuff (as much as I like the new stuff, I can fix the old stuff!) and dream of the future layout.

Hi David,

       Now I don't feel so alone with not having a layout. I have a small area that I have been operating the new trains purchased and I repair the old ACG ones I test them on the layout also. No is scenery or landscaping but three oval tracks. Something similar to the Boy's Railroad Club Layout without scenery or landscaping. I don't have a photo to show and its too dark to photograph up there in my garage.

Your photo of the Shasta Springs Station looks very Impressing and that would look great on any layout. Thank you for sharing and your words are comforting. Take care, good luck and maybe some day we both will have a layout we can be proud of.

Happy Railroading



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