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To our valued customers,

 We know that some of you are not happy with the appearance of the N&W red color as portrayed on our most recent release of LEGACY J class locomotives. After allowing ample time for customer feedback both directly and through our dealer channels, we are happy to announce that we have worked out an agreement with renowned model train artist Harry Hieke to provide a repainting service to those who would like to have their stripe repainted.

 Please read the details of this offer below, this pertains to the following LEGACY J locomotives: 1931340, 1931350, 1931360, and 1931370.

Thank you for your patience in this matter and continued support.

 Customers who are not happy with the color of the stripe have two options:

    • Return your locomotive to your dealer for a full refund. Dealers may choose to resell the locomotives themselves or Lionel will honor all returns from dealers brought in for this purpose.
    • Contact Harry Hieke directly and make arrangements to have your locomotive repainted and re-lettered by him directly. You can do this via email at
  1. All arrangements must be made through Harry on or before 2/29/2020.  This will ensure that he can order enough materials on his own to cover all of the expected projects. Starting March 1, 2020, Lionel will no longer be taking returns or paying fees related to the color of the stripe.
  2. Having the stripe repainted by Harry will not impact the standard 1 year warranty on your locomotive.
  3. If your only concern is the stripe, do not contact Lionel directly. Please contact Harry at the number or email above. For any other mechanical, electrical or deco issues, please follow the normal Lionel warranty repair process. All other warranty services will still be covered by Lionel.
  4. Harry will do his best to return all locomotives promptly but neither he nor Lionel can promise a return date until the total number of units to be reworked is known.  To have the stripe repaint service covered by Lionel, you must only make the initial contact with Harry on or before 2/29/2020. He may receive and complete locomotives after that date for this work. Lionel will not be responsible for the schedule of this work.

 Harry is a talented artist. If you wish to have any other decoration changes made to your J locomotives such as renumbering, weathering or added details, feel free to send additional projects to him at the same time.  Lionel will reimburse Harry for the repainting of the stripe and shipping of the locomotive. You are responsible for any other charges.

 Thank you,

The Lionel Team

Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Thank you for the resolution Ryan. I have 2 questions 

1 Are we responsible for the shipping to Harry? Or does Lionel cover shipping both ways.

2. Is this offer also valid for the passenger cars? The tool car that was shipped last September is the same color as the J. Now if the J is painted in the correct color the Paint on the tool car will be different.


Thank you again

Last edited by sahan

Attached are photos of repainted J's Harry did for us, and which I posted last month. He is using decals for the lettering. The customers I have talked with that have had this done were very pleased. Obviously, these photos include weathering which is an extra charge, in Lionel's offer. 

My interpretation is that the customer is responsible for the shipping to Harry and Lionel is paying for the repaint, and the return shipping. 

While I am talking, if you'd like a J and you buy it from us, we will pay to send it to Harry, and Lionel will pay for the repaint and the return shipping, and I will pay Harry to weather it for you. 


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Last edited by MrMuffin'sTrains

Thank you to all who have asked questions and reached out to Harry already. To clarify on the points made above:

  1. Lionel is covering shipping both ways to Harry. When you contact them, you will get a call tag which is billed to our account.
  2. Passenger cars are not included in the Lionel offer, however you are welcome to talk to him about having these repainted at your costs of course.
  3. Polar Express cars are a separate issue entirely – these will be remade in Korea.
  4. Our understanding is that Harry is using decals for the relettering. Unless otherwise specified, all will be relettered with the same road number that you send in.

 So, if all you want is to have the stripe repainted, email Harry. When you get the call tag, carefully pack your locomotive for shipment, apply the label and send it in. Once finished it will come back to you and the service will cost you nothing.

If you would like anything else done along with the stripe repaint, please indicate that on your email. Costs for those services can be worked out between you and Harry. Lionel will cover the locomotive shipping and stripe repaint costs. Anything over and above that will be your responsibility.

 Thank you.

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