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I ordered some parts from Lionel, during the 50% off parts sale, for my Legacy C&O 6240 GP9.  I found most of the parts I needed except for the hi hood mounted bell.  Does anyone know where I may find one?  Does Lionel restock parts on older locos, or is it, once they sell out, good luck?

Thanks for any hep!

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It seems that once parts like the 630-4668-402, 630-4670-402, 630-8874-402 "BELL / HIGH MOUNT / SCALE GP-9" go out of stock, they will not be produced or stocked by Lionel ever again unless they have a new production item that utilizes the same tooling. The idea has been floated that Lionel can only obtain complete assembled products from their manufacturers. To build their parts supply, Lionel actually disassembles units.

On extreme rare occasion, some vendors commission reproduction parts for these newer items, but generally speaking, with the initial relatively low volumes of products, this is far from being economically viable/sustainable.

Last edited by bmoran4

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