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I've always been a fan of several Lionel PWC sets...specifically the Virginian FM freight set and the Hudson 773 Freight set.  They were priced out of my league...but now it seems as NIB sets are coming down in price. Compared to what sets are going for these days, it seems like a pretty good deal.  Any thoughts on the quality of the PWC sets?  Any feedback would be very much appreciated.



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You can buy MPC-era FM TrainMasters for a song.  I didn't own any of these, but I seem to remember the Hudson met with favorable reviews when it was released.  Nothing with a Pullmor motor is going to run like a newer Legacy engine with speed control.  It depends on what you're looking for.  As long as you temper your expectations, you won't be disappointed.

IMO, most PWC badged items/sets have better quality in terms of far fewer random  cosmetic defects that often are found in current production higher priced items.

Obviously the speed control is not like Legacy, as suggested above, but TMCC in many of these is pretty decent.  If you are looking for extremely fine control more speed steps, etc to approach more recent Legacy electronics, then you are not going to think they are great.

If you will be happy with PW-like models, but with TMCC electronics for control and sound inside them, they are probably going to make you pretty happy.

Not sure how MPC comes into the discussion for PWC?  While some nice items were certainly made in MPC years, that predates the PWC Series concept by at least a decade, and obviously no MPC items have TMCC in them.


Last edited by Dave45681

I have both sets and I think they run very well and am very satisfied with their running characteristics.  Both the FM and the 773 engines are strong pullers and with TMCC they can be slow moving enough for me.  The 773 Super Hudson set as BIG JOHN HENRY states is a marvelous set and has a great deal of play value. Personally, I don't have to have Legacy to satisfy me but there are others that absolutely have to have it.  You have to make your own choice. 

Last edited by OKHIKER
Big John Henry posted:

The PWC Super O Hudson Set was the best deal from Lionel in all my life. I have been following Lionel since 1956. Even when the set was released at $1000 look at all that came with it for that price.

Hi Steve, your right on the money there. But then again you where always right on when it came to Lionel!

I was looking at the Post War Celebration  Majestic set on e Bay tonight and it sold for around five hundred dollars. That's the GG1 freight with crane and back hoe.

I love em, have the Congressional, the  CP passenger set and the WP F-3's.  Never had any issues with any of them and I have run the crap out of them over the years.  I feel the same about the later Conventional Classics, but the PWC for the most part hold a special place since they were for the most part still made in the US ( at least the locos).  I think the Aluminum cars were not made in the US by then.

If they are mint in the box, Assume you will need to open them up and service, clan out the old grease and replace with new.

Jim 1939 posted:

Not sure if the GG1 with Madison cars falls in that group but many including me had issues with the engine. It seems to me the motors were not made right and they quickly overheat. I removed the frosted windows but that didn't help.


Jim...add a heat sink,I have the same GG1.. i removed the windows also....the sink seems to have done the can get them at a computer store like MICRO CENTER or electronics store (if you can find one)....hope this helps...joe

Jim 1939 posted:

Not sure if the GG1 with Madison cars falls in that group but many including me had issues with the engine. It seems to me the motors were not made right and they quickly overheat. I removed the frosted windows but that didn't help.


I did apply heat sinks to their sizzling e-units.  I also removed the windows.  This seemed to have helped quite a bit.


Jim 1939 posted:

Not sure if the GG1 with Madison cars falls in that group but many including me had issues with the engine. It seems to me the motors were not made right and they quickly overheat. I removed the frosted windows but that didn't help.


The GG1 with the Madison Cars was a conventional classic set-not a Post-War Celebration set.  I have it and while the GG1 did not overheat one of the motors was never lubed.  It ran OK after a good lubing.  Also, the Madison Cars wheel sets were out of gauge.   I never bought another conventional classic set.  However, I think the PWC sets were all top notch.

Not sets nor PWC, but some of the Century Club I offerings are worth a look in this kind of category now that their pricing is down considerably. The 671 Turbine with the extra die cast PRR steamlined tender, the two motor GG1, NYC F3 A-B-A, and 773 Hudson are all well done USA-made TMCC pieces. The 726 Berk isn't bad, but probably deviates too much from the originals in appearance for some. Over the years, the Turbine has grown to be a personal favorite of mine and was not done as as a PWC offering. I have a complete set of the 1990 Bakelite Irvington cars to run with the GG1 and 773.

Hope this is helpful and not found to be too much of a diversion from the OP's original question.


Last edited by Bob Bubeck
Bob Bubeck posted:

Not sets nor PWC, but some of the Century Club I offerings are worth a look in this kind of category now that their pricing is down considerably. The 671 Turbine with the extra die cast PRR steamlined tender, the two motor GG1, .....

I'd agree with all, but would mention for anyone seeking the CC GG1 should inquire about whether the battery is installed.  If you buy one "mint in box", it's got a 20 year plus old alkaline battery installed in it (which of course could be leaking by now if it was never removed).

IMO, this is one particular GG1 where you are far better off with mildly run and inspected, vs. new in box (assuming it hasn't been abused).

I still to this day have no idea why Lionel decided specifically for that engine only to install a battery at the factory.  It was the only CC item like that.


Last edited by Dave45681
Dave45681 posted:
Bob Bubeck posted:

Not sets nor PWC, but some of the Century Club I offerings are worth a look in this kind of category now that their pricing is down considerably. The 671 Turbine with the extra die cast PRR steamlined tender, the two motor GG1, .....

I'd agree with all, but would mention for anyone seeking the CC GG1 should inquire about whether the battery is installed.  If you buy one "mint in box", it's got a 20 year plus old alkaline battery installed in it (which of course could be leaking by now if it was never removed).

IMO, this is one particular GG1 where you are far better off with mildly run and inspected, vs. new in box (assuming it hasn't been abused).

I still to this day have no idea why Lionel decided specifically for that engine only to install a battery at the factory.  It was the only CC item like that.


Agreed, Dave. I took the battery out of mine ages ago. The CC 2332 GG1 runs very well with Legacy control with smooth starts.


Last edited by Bob Bubeck

Really like my PWC items. By adding the TMCC, RailSounds, constant voltage and directional lighting and electrocouplers to the PWC engines, it really boosted the enjoyment value to me. In addition, like others, I've found the Pullmor motors run smoother and slower when operating with the Legacy system, so that's been a bonus. The stuff has been bulletproof operationally. I'm still occasionally adding some pieces, most recently the F-3 AB engines from the Baltimore & Ohio freight set, with the separate sale dummy A. Beautiful paint job. 

I have the entire Postwar Celebration Series sets, cars, engines etc. The sets that came out were great. I was lucky enough to find that Hudson set, sealed for 450.00 from a dealer on their website....I think it was their mistake on the price, but thats what I got it for. They are all greatly decorated, run well and sound great. I never had any issues with any of the items. I also have the complete Conventional Classics sets.

Only had one issue with the M&STL space set, the motor was grinding, added a ball bearing to the motor shaft and then ran well. 

You cant go wrong with the PWC series, wish they still continued it, there are a few more sets they could make that would sell well....



I have 2 PWC sets.  I am happy with them although I don'r run them as much as Legacy and DCS stuff.  Both of the sets I have are TMCC of course but they have the old "growler" motors and therefore no speed control.  My layout is in a family area and my wife doesn't like the train noise.  Speed control in modern engines allows me to run stuff slower with less noise.  I also like stuff that is in good shape.  Both PWC sets I have are the alternatives to the '56 and '63 sets I could never find in the condition or price I was willing to pay.


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