Dan, I totally agree that for many post war engines, accessories, repair parts are available, if not through Lionel directly, many companies that were repair centers like Hennings Trains, Trainworld, Charles Ro, Trainland, Grzyboski’s, Legacy Station, many other family owned businesses, and a friend of mine, Sherman Leonard, George Tebolt, Brasseur Trains, and Roundhouse Hobbies in Louisville, Ky. But, you still have old technology, although fun to see and operate, it’s not in the same cart as the newer highly advanced products of Today. So, I am not knocking those who prefer post war products, they were the beginning of this wonderful hobby, as kids, this was what turned us on. Wow, those Lionel and American Flyer catalogs from 1946 through 1966 were a big factor in keeping the hobby alive. So, you can see that post war trains are very significant to our loving toy trains.
Although Post War trains are easily fixed up, it’s my thoughts that many of these newer trains will also be repairable, and I admit, the new bells, whistles, smoking whistle effects, swinging bells, backdraft effects, cylinder smoke effect, and now the newer scoop effects tender, and on and on....are much more enjoyable to see with nice scenic effects. Everyone views this multifaceted hobby differently, that’s the fun of the hobby. Also the new passenger cars with people, talking diners, cars with cameras, fun, yes fun. Operating those accessories with our cab 1 or 2 controllers, and now, Bluetooth....It’s fun to play with these trains in modern ways. This is called progress, it’s the best of times in the hobby, that’s my feelings.
Yes our cars are better made, safer, tires are better, sound systems better, and yes, Navigation...It’s the best of times, cars, homes, security systems, and Yes, the price is higher in everything we look at. Taxes, always changing. (I represent American Honda Automobiles for 25 years)
David, your comments are correct, however, did I read in a thread a few months ago that you were having a layout BTO...This is progress, and a big time saver, and will be very nice to see. Correct me if I am wrong, this hobby is more fun because of the people involved, the good friends we make along the way....Everything is better today, the magazines, the videos, and This OGR Forum....
Just for the record, I purchased a slightly used NYC S-1 Diesel Electric, made in 2003 or 2004, 6-18351...Parts still available from Lionel, So, maybe all parts are not, but many are. My layout, which is not large, is dated 1997 through today. I like the Command Operation from Lionel. Great Thread, Thank You.