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The latest Lionel Train Guide from Bruce Greenberg ends at year 1991 and David Doyle ends at year 2000.  I am not talking about the price guides which the internet has obsoleted.  Maybe Greenberg or Doyle have retired or died.

To find out what has been issued after year 2000 I have to refer to what more recent Lionel catalogs I accumulated sporadically or try to find new items on the internet.  Since I often do not know what has been produced to look for, the internet is not very useful.  I have spent a few boring football games leafing through the recent Lionel catalogs and putting yellow Post Its markers, with a notes on the tab, on the pages with interest to me at the time.  I have done the same with the few MTH and K-line catalogs I have.  I probably should make a list of the titles of the notes and year of the catalog to make it easier to find items like in a book as my stack is over a foot high.  I have been surprised to see the many items they have made I did not know about.

I think it would be great if someone would make an up to date Lionel train guide from 2000 to 2021 (or 1992 to 2021 for Greenberg).  Lionel has issued many more new trains and accessories during the last 20 years than other prior year periods with more scale and digitally controlled trains being produced.


Last edited by Choo Choo Charlie
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It would take a book probably twice the size of a phone book or more to list all the items between 2000 and now. In this time frame there are roughly 18,000 plus SKUs if you include all items like set components, uncataloged items and other misc items.  Modern Era Lionel (1970 to present) has over 26,000 SKUs.

I've heard that in two years of recent Lionel production, they have done more items than the entire Postwar period, and it wouldn't doubt this claim.

ed H

Thanks for the response and in sight as to one of the obstacles.

Yes, there are many more items produced the last 20 years.  But that may be an advantage.  Someone could publish a series like some did before.  Make a separate book on motive power, freight cars, passenger cars, accessories, and sets for examples.  Low demand may require e books only but some of older Lionel train fans like hard copies.


Choo Choo Charlie - The current Lionel website does have virtually every regular production item since 2000 info available with the search function, its just that the search function has many quirks to say the least.  Prior to the redesign of their website a few years back they had a much better product navigator where you could do an advanced search and narrow results to categories like sets, steam engines, diesel engines etc and even by roadname. It worked pretty well.  When the website was redesigned a few years ago they choose a flashy appearance over functionality.

@ed h posted:

Choo Choo Charlie - The current Lionel website does have virtually every regular production item since 2000 info available with the search function, its just that the search function has many quirks to say the least.  Prior to the redesign of their website a few years back they had a much better product navigator where you could do an advanced search and narrow results to categories like sets, steam engines, diesel engines etc and even by roadname. It worked pretty well.  When the website was redesigned a few years ago they choose a flashy appearance over functionality.

I completely agree about Lionel website redesign.  It looks flashy, but it is nowhere near as functional for experienced model railroaders who are looking for specific information.

When they redesigned the website, I decided that I didn't want to rely on the manufacturers' websites for old catalogs.  I have downloaded PDF files of every Lionel catalog since 2010 and have downloaded other manuals and instructions.  I have also downloaded every MTH catalog since 2003.

I would love to find PDF files for older catalogs.

@VinceL posted:

I completely agree about Lionel website redesign.  It looks flashy, but it is nowhere near as functional for experienced model railroaders who are looking for specific information.

When they redesigned the website, I decided that I didn't want to rely on the manufacturers' websites for old catalogs.  I have downloaded PDF files of every Lionel catalog since 2010 and have downloaded other manuals and instructions.  I have also downloaded every MTH catalog since 2003.

I would love to find PDF files for older catalogs.

MTH website has catalogs all the way back to1993 - although they are missing some from the older years.

From what I can figure out, the Lionel website scrubbed most stuff pre-2010 while the MTH website has items going way back into the 90s and maybe earlier.

@ed h posted:

Choo Choo Charlie - The current Lionel website does have virtually every regular production item since 2000 info available with the search function, its just that the search function has many quirks to say the least.  Prior to the redesign of their website a few years back they had a much better product navigator where you could do an advanced search and narrow results to categories like sets, steam engines, diesel engines etc and even by roadname. It worked pretty well.  When the website was redesigned a few years ago they choose a flashy appearance over functionality.

Did you mean Lionel items from 2010. Most of their pre-2010 items have been removed.

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