My wish for the New Year is that manufacturers would give really specific reasons for the given minimum size curve. If the large drivers on the engine could handle an O64 curve but the tender could not, then a buyer could try replacing the tender or modifying the wheel arangement. This would not cost Lionel much to give us this information and it would have the potential of making more sales.
That’d be kinda hocus pocus,…….the box would then have to read like a Dr. Seuss book, …”it don’t like your curves, it don’t like them here, it don’t them there, it don’t like them anywhere “ …when they test a production sample, they run it through various scenarios and determine the fool proof operation and that’s what gets labeled on the box, and or catalog. …the box can’t read “ for O72 track, buuuuuuuut maybe O64 if you spread your track as wide as you can “ … see, there’s a lot more at play here then just minimum curve, ….that covers switches, dog legging, S curves, and a whole slue of different aspects …….not just what it can or can not do in a loop,….hope that makes some sense, ….