just saw this on their web site---and there is a video---do we really need another big boy even with a few new features?
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I'm full up on Big Boys, but Lionel must think we need another one.
We don’t but people will buy it and Lionel will make money.
Maybe if they had a trade-in policy.
Not me , but I could sure go for another VL Hudson using the rest of the K Line tooling.😉
I'm not a fan of the muddy details and errors of the first VL hudson
@20centuryhudson posted:just saw this on their web site---and there is a video---do we really need another big boy even with a few new features?
We generally don't, but Marty's right. Other people do. There are many potential newbies following UP 4014 as it travels around the West and Midwest in 1:1 scale.
Lionel can't, and shouldn't, ignore new blood coming into the hobby. In 2023 they're in a good position to sell every last one of these new ones.
That's another $2500 engine I won't be buying....
Hey you can never have too many Bigboys. I was over at the LHS yesterday and my good friend RODney was showing me an absolutely gorgeous die cast G scale Bigboy. Very well done, and only $4500! Good thing I'm not into G scale.
I'm returning to the hobby and I missed the last run of these. But I'll happily have anybody send me their functional Visionline Big Boy if they really don't want me to buy this one