I am experiencing an issue with my 1950's vintage 275 Watt ZW transformer that I am hoping someone on this blog may have also experienced. When activating the whistle button on the left side of the transformer, the E-unit begins to cycle on the engine. It only happens when the engine is running either forward or reverse. When in neutral, the whistle functions correctly, and the engine does not move.
This happens with my 1954 646 Hudson/2046W tender as well as my 1956 2379 F-3 Rio Grande. When operating these two motives using a different ZW, it doesn't happen. The whistle function button works correctly, and the engine's E-unit does not cycle...R, F, & N.
My initial thought is the rectifier disc may have failed. In which case I will replace it with a diode. But before going in that direction, I thought it advisable to reach out to the forum and solicit some thoughts.
Thank you.