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I love this engine - small but the detail is just brilliant. I took a chance and bought mine with many faults for little money. It now runs, smokes, has good sounds and I have even managed to set the speed control.


However - whenever I use the whistle button the loco stops. It also takes off like a jack rabbit untill the cruise kicks in. I have checked for loose boards etc and am reluctant to send it in for repair without more investigation. I would add that I am running on 027 track and using a 1033 controller. Could the 1033 be the problem?


Would appretiate some ideas.





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Nick  - I tried running forward only but the same thing happens only after a jolt it does eventually continue in the same direction. I am thinking that it must not like my 1033. I will try it at friends layout next week so we shall see........


Marty I don't have the number to hand sorry - but it was made in 2004.



Originally Posted by Rod Stewart:

If that Hudson has cab #5418, it is likely item no 6-38045 from 2004.



I bought one of those engnes when they first came out and  mine also had a "jackrabbit" start in conventional mode. I didn't have a whistle problem, though. Since is was new, I sent it back to Lionel and they sent me  a replacement. The new one had the same problem. I didn't send it back again because it ran O.K. with TMCC. I think the "jackrabbit" start might be a design problem. The whistle problem is probably a separate one.

Originally Posted by Carl Benvenuto:
I bought one of those engnes when they first came out and  mine also had a "jackrabbit" start in conventional mode. I didn't have a whistle problem, though. Since is was new, I sent it back to Lionel and they sent me  a replacement. The new one had the same problem. I didn't send it back again because it ran O.K. with TMCC. I think the "jackrabbit" start might be a design problem. The whistle problem is probably a separate one.

Even in TMCC mode these earlier pre-Legacy locomotives seem to start and stop with a lurch. You can try slowly turning the Cab 1 speed control, but they just suddenly start moving at perhaps 3-4 smph, and stop just as quick. There does not seem to be a way to fine tune this.

A TMCC "design feature" I guess.



The whistle problem may be your 1033 transformer.  With these old transformers, the contacts on the wiper are not always in perfect shape, and you will often get a break before make connection, resulting in interupting the A.C. power to the track.  With the older e-units, the break  was usually quick enough that it would not cause the loco to go into neutral.  The newer electonic e-units are pretty darned quick however, so they are more likely to cycle into neutral when you turn the handle to fire the whistle.  If you're not comfortable opening up the transformer and cleaning/replacing parts, you may want to look at an inexpensive newer model transformer (Z1000 or CW80).  The newer model transformers will impose a DC offset (necessary to fire the whistle), without interupting the main AC power to the track.



The jack-rabbit starts are likely your 1033 transformer as well. The old transformers do not start smoothly from 0 volts, but usually jump from 0 to somewhere between 5 and 7 volts.  Depending on the gearing and motor in your Hudson, the 0 to 5 volts may be enough to kick the loco in the pants and get it runnig down the track.


Rod M.  

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