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Had an MTH Railking shorty passenger train, a K-Line 16" Aluminum passenger train, and an MTH hopper train over to guest run. All three the same overall length. The MTH passenger train seemed to easily be twice as loud as the K-Line passenger train. You could barely hear the K-Line cars roll along while the MTH passenger train required nearly shouting to be heard above it.

Is the noise difference the wheel sets? The pick-ups? The trucks? Or the plastic versus aluminum car construction?


The hopper train is coming back next week, any ideas on how to quiet it? Fill the cars with cotton batting or something?



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Mostly the third rail pickup rollers is the culprit, you can oil them. The fast angle metal wheels are also noisy. As a test I tried a quality two rail car that had metal wheels and that was a good 50% quieter. I am not sure but I think its because like real trains the wheels  are really polished smooth. The rail on real trains is also polished smooth. You can make tight fitting foam coal loads  for the hoppers, that should help.Boxcars you can put pillow stuffing in them or old socks.Something soft and heavy absorbs sound.   

I'm not sure about this theory, but I think adding weight to the cars would also help.  I found after adding common sticky tire weights to my rolling stock it quieted them down significantly!  Instead of bouncing along they stay solidly down on the tracks.  You should try it with one car.  Add a few weights, roll it down the track and then a non weighted car and see if you think there is a difference.  I certainly do.


Tim Lewis was also highly correct in the addition of cotton or something to stop the reverberation inside closed cars (especially boxcars).  

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