That version of the 2-8-0 is fictional. The Long Island's Sunrise Special's motive power was first a 4-6-0 Camelback and later a G5 4-6-0. The Long Island's H Class 2-8-0s were all freight haulers that rarely were used in passenger service.
So if MTH replaces the Sunrise Special logo with "Long Island" in gold or white Railroad Roman style lettering like the Pennsy used, and numbers these engines in the range of 102 - 114, there will be a lot of happy Long Island customers.
Considering that Mike Wolf and his team recently found a way to produce the GE 44-Toner with a full suite of PS 3 electronics, I think it is time to apply that technology into an Osgood Bradley open trolley car. MTH applied their S-Gauge electronics to make the new 44-Toner. I think that there is enough room below the floor of the trolley to mount the boards. Also, a bump-up into the aisle floor to make way for electronics would not detract from the car in my opinion.
I would be ecstatic to have an MTH Rail King Osgood Bradley car in Connecticut's Yale Bowl livery, in Brooklyn's BRT Cream & Maroon and in the Third Avenue Railway's livery.