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It arrived yesterday.  Included is a Plumbing Supply building, that has a note on it "prototype no lites"; a Menards US Army flat car with a US Army pickup truck [in box, one broken step that I can re glue]; a Menards Soo line flat car [no box, no damage]; a Lionel 6-9238 operating dump car [complete with logs and bin, in box, no damage]; a Lionel 36153 Scout Oil Company tank car [no box, no damage]; an Alloy Mole forklift, in box, no damage]; two old Lionel billboard signs.  The only surprise/disappointment was the two Lionel Cars---last year all of the freight cars were Menards models which, is what I wrongly expected.  The label on the dump car box says H & R Trains, so it obviously came from a collection. 

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