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Here is the long waited  brewery and it's already in full production. With a nice foot print, this would fit in most layouts . Great   detail as always and a fantastic lighted sign. Another great hit from our friends  at Menards who listened  to what we wanted.20190418_11284620190418_11285420190418_11290820190418_11293420190418_11294120190418_11311420190418_11282520190418_11283020190418_112837


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  • 20190418_112830
  • 20190418_112837
Videos (1)
Original Post

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cabinet Bob posted:

Here is the long waited  brewery and it's already in full production. With a nice foot print, this would fit in most layouts . Great   detail as always and a fantastic lighted sign. Another great hit from our friends  at Menards who listened  to what we wanted.20190418_11284620190418_11285420190418_11290820190418_11293420190418_11294120190418_11311420190418_11282520190418_11283020190418_112837

I have to ask. How do you get Menards new releases so quickly and what happens when you run out of real estate for track age?


Mike H Mottler posted:

Hmmm ... I wonder, on this layout the brewery is placed adjacent to the Police HQ. Is that a subtle "editorial comment" that suggests the men in blue deserve a brew? These days, police work seems more stressful than ever, so an after-shift tall cold one may well be considered "stress relief."


Better yet,it survived  the fire from the Engine House next door. 

jim sutter posted:

Best building Menards has made. I love the design.

Have to agree 110%, its a winner for sure.  Besides, its an answer to so many requests for a Brewery. My one dilemma is should I use a siding with box cars to be loaded, or have truck/trailers for shipping out the product, Beer or Root Beer is also a consideration. Maybe both.

I need a structure that I can repurpose.  I had hoped that the American Power and Light would fit...and it has been an adequate "fill in" or "place taker".  The Sprecher's Brewery is much more like the building that would fit my needs.

HOWEVER, I have a couple of questions...

1)  Is there only one of the "tunnel insert" or is there a pair so that both sides can be enclosed?  I really need to enclose both ends of the "tunnel".

2)  Does anyone have a photo they could post of exterior wall on the opposite side of the loading dock?  Just send a reply, even if it is simply a brick wall that matches the back half of the Brewery.

I appreciate any help....


Tony Wright posted:

I need a structure that I can repurpose.  I had hoped that the American Power and Light would fit...and it has been an adequate "fill in" or "place taker".  The Sprecher's Brewery is much more like the building that would fit my needs.

HOWEVER, I have a couple of questions...

1)  Is there only one of the "tunnel insert" or is there a pair so that both sides can be enclosed?  I really need to enclose both ends of the "tunnel".

2)  Does anyone have a photo they could post of exterior wall on the opposite side of the loading dock?  Just send a reply, even if it is simply a brick wall that matches the back half of the Brewery.

I appreciate any help....




Images (3)
  • 279-4493C
  • 279-4493D
  • 279-4493E
Tony Wright posted:

I need a structure that I can repurpose.  I had hoped that the American Power and Light would fit...and it has been an adequate "fill in" or "place taker".  The Sprecher's Brewery is much more like the building that would fit my needs.

HOWEVER, I have a couple of questions...

1)  Is there only one of the "tunnel insert" or is there a pair so that both sides can be enclosed?  I really need to enclose both ends of the "tunnel".

2)  Does anyone have a photo they could post of exterior wall on the opposite side of the loading dock?  Just send a reply, even if it is simply a brick wall that matches the back half of the Brewery.

I appreciate any help....


Hi Tony,

Here's a link to the Brewery on our website.

You will find photos from all angles, along with a  video. And it does indeed have both ends enclosed with the tunnel insert.

Thanks for asking!
Mark the Menard Train Guy

Last edited by Menards

Thanks for the replies and the photos.  EXACTLY what I was hoping for. 

This puts the stockyards and the packing plant back on the layout.  YOWZA!!  WHEE!! 

I had changed the focus of the layout from a switching district in Okla City to a secondary or branch line in a more rural setting with a couple of towns and a quarry.  The quarry will service up to 33 ATSF open top hoppers.  

With the "brewery repuposed as a slaughter house" I can bring back the stockyards and meat packing plant thus putting 31 cars back to work (20 regional road livestock cars and 11 40ft steel ATSF ice reefers.)

Relocating the stockyards and packing plant will take up some space that was to be small "onesy-twosy per week" rail customers.  But not to worry as they will be served at the public track.  My dad and his dad both ran teams with wagons in the mid 30s.  And when there was not enough inbound rail traffic...they went down to the Arkansas River and shoveled sand for the 3 local concrete "ready mix" plants in town.

Not only do I get my cake and get to eat it too, but I also get ice cream on the cake....COOL!

THANKS to everyone!





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