While filming in a SD-9 a few years ago I took some stills. Decided to combine a Miller sign from my old layout. Anyone do anything like this? Don
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hate to sound like a total ignoramus, but i have no idea what you are talking about?
"while filming in a sd-9a few years ago i took some stills"
stills of what?
what is a sd-9?
combine a miller sign from my old layout, combine to what?
like i said i have no idea what this is about??? sorry
SD-9 is a diesel engine. I was filming in the cab of the diesel. Photo shopped the my old layout into the windows. Wanted to make it look like a real diesel was traveling through my layout. Don
SD-9 is a diesel engine. I was filming in the cab of the diesel. Photo shopped the my old layout into the windows. Wanted to make it look like a real diesel was traveling through my layout. Don
guess that proves that if you just do not know ask!
you were filiming inthe full size diesel, right? not a "O" guage
Yes and that's a full size engineer. I guess I didn't explain very well. Don
Don, didn't we both ride in that once, or is that a different diesel. Is the one in your photo a WP loco? Matt
Yes, you were with me when I shot this picture. Don
Well I don't know Don but every time I look at this photo I get more and more thirsty...
Super photo, Don. Looks so real.
Looks like Don is going through the PBR Drive Through....which I'm sure was a siding of some kind.
Fun shot!