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Chris, I said Dave and I will "share a few beers," they will not be "Foster's."  

There are so many other, better, choices.  Funny thing is that 40 + years ago Foster's was popular and IMHO it's not bad, just that the others are better.


Paul the sign is Definitely not for sale,  for sure it will be put on a wall in our den when we return from OZ.  My wife even likes it :-)

Originally Posted by cbojanower:

Dave won't drink it.. Unless he is just being gentlemanly

(He did tell me he saw some Limey's drink it once)

So true Chris, I don't even see it for sale these days. Like a lot of these "international" brands, Fosters is made all over the world, and I have tasted it in England, just disgusting.

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