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At Christmas time we visited a friend of a friend for the evening.  Under his tree he was running some of his impressive collection of Lionel mint cars.  One string of cars was being pulled by that golden-bronze GG1 with the special caboose and the other loop had a Lionel PW Hudson and more mint cars and a PW caboose.  His mint car collection was very impressive,including the ones still in boxes.  He was lamenting that there was a need for another special engine and caboose needed that go with his mint car collection.  What would the chances of Lionel ever doing another GG1 and caboose made expressly for the mint car crowd?

With about 75 or more mint cars out there,it would seem like a dedicated engine and caboose would sell.



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I have a lot if mint cars too, never bothered with the bronze GG1, I heard it was underpowered.


Yes, I would be interested in a mint train locomotive and caboose...doesn't have to be a GG1, could be diesel or steam.


I am hoping the Metca group produces the mint car loco and caboose, as they have produced s nice line of mint cars over the lsat several years, I have them all, it would a good fund raiser for METCA. .


I did bring this up to Metca at York in April.

Last edited by Craignor

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