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Ran the locomotive at train show last weekend, packed the engine in its box, and did not see anything amiss.  Recently removed engine from box to operate on home layout only to find that the center piece of the boiler walkway on the left side of the engine is missing.  I did not realize that both the the walkway assembly and the missing strip are constructed of plastic.

The missing part is a thin black plastic strip with a white painted running stripe on one edge. The complete engine walkway measures 10 1/4 inches from the cab to the front of the boiler.  The missing piece is located at the center of the engine and is positioned slightly higher than the rest of the walkway - it measures 4 3/4 inches long and was glued to the top of the plastic walkway assembly.  

Given the changes at MTH, I am not sure that a replacement part part would be available and was wondering what options are available in terms locating the part from another source or if anyone has experienced the same problem  as out lined above.


Images (2)
  • 8BB32FE6-5624-4A8C-8601-82BD4B4D7647: Missing piece in the center of walkway
  • 897A748D-4D76-444C-A06B-D94E44A2D47B
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Martin, I had a similar incident with an early MTH PS1 Southern Crescent Pacific. Lost it running at a nursing home exhibit we did and never did find it. I made a piece out of balsa wood and painted it after using a razor knife to (crudely) simulate the diamond pattern.  Am certain the better method is suggested by Pete above!

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