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We are pleased to announce that OnDrew Hartigan of Model Railroad Benchwork is returning to the magazine as well as the forum!   OnDrew offers both custom benchwork as well as his modular benchwork system.  In addition, he offers in home consultation and track planning to help visualize your "dream".  OnDrew has expanded over the past several years and makes available new products and services for both the modeler that needs planning services as well as those that are building their own layout.  If you been looking for cork roadbed, check out what he has to offer!  The Model Railroad Benchwork banner is located in the 3rd row of banners at the top of all forum pages and his listing is in the Index located within the featured topics in all forum categories.  OnDrew welcomes you to visit his website at    PLEASE join us in welcoming OnDrew on the O Gauge Railroading Forum!


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Thank you to everyone for the warm welcome back! It’s great to be part of OGR again, and we truly appreciate the support from this fantastic community.

Over the years, MRB has grown from a one-person operation to a dedicated team of four, allowing us to expand our offerings and continue delivering high-quality benchwork. We're excited for what’s ahead and grateful to share it with all of you!

To show our appreciation, we’re offering an exclusive OGR perk – use code "OGR" when purchasing any benchwork at, and you'll receive a FREE power drill starter kit ($15 value) with your order. On top of that, for the first time ever, MRB is running a Tax Season SaleTable Kits are 5-10% OFF! If you’ve been considering new benchwork, now’s the perfect time to save.

We’re also excited to share that MRB has expanded into MRBSupply and is a producer of O Scale Cork! You can check it out at – the same quality cork we trust for our own layouts.

Thanks again for the warm welcome – we’re looking forward to being part of the OGR community again! 🚂

O Scale CorkTable Kits On Sale

Last edited by Model Railroad Benchwork

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