I upgraded my Lionel KW transformer with a stud diode (1N1190AR) to replace the copper rectifier. Now, it after I trigger the whistle, it keeps going, although it might not be enough to actually whistle. In other words, I can still hear the motor spinning, just not fast enough to whistle. After I turn off the power, and turn it on again, I notice that once I hit 12 volt, the whistle motor starts to wind up, although not fast enough to whistle. When I throw the whistle lever, it whistles loud & proud, and when released, it keep on spinning, but quieter and then fades out but still spins.
Air whistle is a modern LTI-era with the circuit board control.
Any thoughts as to whether this is a whistle problem, or something to do with the transformer upgrade? Like maybe there is something electromagentic going on throwing out DC even though I'm not throwing the whistle switch?