We hold a monthly open house on the 2nd Sunday from 2p - 4p each month except Feb & Mar as well as Aug & Sept. With Mother's Day falling on the 2nd Sunday in May we had decided to pass on this one but the town of Waynesville was holding a celebration of "The Last Shot Fired in the Civil War" this weekend. We all have Civil War type trains so we held it today to show support for the festivities. We had the largest continuous crowds since last Christmas! Several young families with "train-nut children" stayed most of the day. It was a good time had by all.
Member Larry from SC ran a Premiere Seaboard F3 ABBA with a long consist of scale cars along side several early steamers to the children's delight. We also have a 4 x 8 North Pole layout with the Polar Express and a Thomas set running.