NJCJOE, Nice collection of 9700 box cars. Also, great to see your Stroh's standard o car.
Mike McCutheon, Thanks for posting pictures of your Airco cars.
dmestan, Good luck in finding a Oreo car. They are beautiful. I always loved that car and kept one for myself.
Tommy F. Your four MPC cars are classics. Your Texaco and Lifesavers tank cars were two of the beat tank cars ever built. Every time I found one for sale I would buy it. They never stayed long in the store.
Johnstrains, Those are three of the best MPC tank cars. Your Sinclair tank car was always my favorite. I loved that green paint.
Lirr Fan1 That's quite assortment of MPC freight cars. Glad to know you are still planning on adding more. Never stop.
Tom Morris Your North Caroline and ST. Louis box car is a sharpie Red body with a yellow strip really jumps out at you.
DG I would have you say you kept the right ones. In my book. those are all home runs.
@dmestan, breezeinup, is correct. Listen to what he said.
Miggy, I'm not sure. I don't think so,