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hi i just bought these 1768 series cars and 385 engine ,#1 these are may all time favorite cars but in pink and red,they came in the old brown mth boxes,i have another set,i bought new,in the 80's terra cotta and maroon, these look as original as can be,,they have the texture of the mth paint from the 80's, anyone have any idea why they were made,,,paint samples? run for some hobby store,,,i also have a blue comet color car ,thats the same paint feel,,,would love find a set of those and an engine,is there anymore odd ball colors anybody has seen or heard of ,thanks for any help guys terry







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thanks guys,,,i did have a flyer frm franks roundhouse years ago,about the time the lionel classic 390 came out,,,,there is a red 385 on the bay listed as that,,,,super cool thou,as i stated these are my favorite passerger type and have the original terra cotta/maroon 3cars set from 1987,,,and a newer 4 car set of terra cotta ,and a 4 car set of red and maroon,,,,would like every color,,,like a stephen garard green,,,pennsy,or nyc,,,come on  mike,,,,,,,love the 1764 electric have a ps2 terra cotta, thanks again



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