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Has anyone tried and succeeded to reassemble an MTH Bettendorf truck?

I’m attempting to put the springs back in...after replacing the side frame-due to defective/worn plastic inserts...or some other magical issue that didn’t allow the wheels to rotate on O42 curves, but let them roll freely everywhere else.  

a video?

a third hand that is microscopic?





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 Place dental floss through the coil spring and hold both ends and the truck with one hand. Use a small screwdriver or tweezers that will fit between the coils to hold it near one of the ends. Place it on one pin then compress it slightly and get it on the other one. The dental floss is used for when the spring goes wants to go flying. You won’t lose it. It can be slipped out when it’s in place.

 You can omit the dental floss and try working inside a clear plastic bag. I find the first way works better to see during assembly. The bag works better taking them apart.

Dave has, obviously, done this before.  I like the plastic bag to keep the spring from flying away.  As a watchmaker by trade, I have spent many quality hours looking for microscopic springs that got away.  If you don’t have a tweezer small enough to use with the spring you can make your own from an eyebrow tweezer.  Grind the sides of the tip back about 1/8” of either side and leave about a 1/8” wide piece in the middle that you can slip between the coils of the spring.

Unfortunately, there is no magic, just some tedious work and, perhaps, a few choice blessings to be said over it.

Last edited by Danr

I used to rebuild Kadee couplers on my HO trains...and I thought those were tedious and annoying.  

Fortunately, due to unfortunate events, I have a few extra MTH extra springs is not a concern  

I wonder, was it by design or accident that MTH trucks do not allow easier coupler removal...which is why I am attempting to refurbish this truck in the first place, instead of doing what I usually do-buy replacement trucks. 

Which I do have...but, if I just swap them out, instead of having this “idle, useless, dead” piece of rolling stock, on my workbench as a constant reminder to repair the trucks...I will end up with a bunch of spare parts-that I can easily and conveniently forget I have, until I am like my Grandfather and Father in law-who had multiple coffee cans and glass jars filled with random screws, washers, nuts and gewgaws that were saved “just in case”, but never ever actually used...

And that crosses the line into HOARDING

which in reality is what we all are, especially those of us in denial, who are Model Railroaders-sure we call it a hobby or a passion...but..if we are honest...

those workbenches; with multiple projects in various states of “un-completeness” are just microcosms of our unacknowledged, untreatable affliction-which can only be assuaged by frequent and reoccurring trips to our LHS or train show, to satisfy our incurable affliction...

Which reminds me...I need to see when the next show is scheduled 🚂😁

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