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I have one MTH DCS locomotive I am running using the Remote Commander.  My layout has three electrical blocks: two mainlines and one yard.  They all share the same common ground.  I have the Remote Commander connected to one of these blocks.  Does the Remote Commander send its signals through the ground, i.e. can my one Remote Commander allow my DCS locomotive to operate on any of the blocks or do I have to have separate Remote Commanders for each?


Thank you!

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DCS signals actually both the center rail and the outside rails like a transmission line.  That's why you hear discussions about filters and magic light bulbs.  What Stan is suggesting is coupling the signal on the center rail to the next power district using a capacitor, he's assuming the outside rails are common throughout the layout.

The success of failure of sending the signal to all the power districts is going to hinge on the exact track configuration, the size of the layout, and the wiring.

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