Has anyone had an issue with split/cracked or broken plastic wheels that came on MTH's centipede or other 4 axle-per-truck loco's? I picked up a project recently that I'm converting over to TMCC. One of the plastic wheels is missing, another was split in two, and the other two are starting to split. I looked on MTH's website for parts, but since this loco was released so long ago, parts are not available. I imagine the Alco PA's use the same wheels based on my searches but MTH doesn't offer them either. Does anyone have any recommendations? I thought about ordering Lionel's flange-less diesel wheels and modifying them if needed. They appear to be the same size but they are made of metal which might cause electrical shorts/problems while navigating switches. I might even turn plastic ones on the lathe but that will take a bunch of time and those might crack as well. Any thoughts or ideas?
The existing plastic wheels are:
- 7/8" O.D.
- 1/4" wide
- 3/16" I.D.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.