I received my first set of MTH CTA Spam Cans (6000 series cars), today, and I'm quite pleased with the overall package. Its a Rail King set but the quality is the equal of a Premier set, except for the few details listed above.
This is my first entry into the world of the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA), save for infrequent trips made on the 1:1 when the Spam Cans were in their heyday. A visit the CTA website was instructive for an old railroad guy:
Surprisingly, CTA includes what I would refer to as "class lights" or "destination lights" under the definition of "markers" as well as traditional markers, what some transit systems call "tail lights". Its a learning curve.
My frustration and my search for a practical remedy revolve around the fact that 1.) both headlight and markers on the "engine" are extinguished when direction of travel is reversed and 2.) there is no trailer car equipped with a working headlight for reverse moves or markers of either variety for rear end protection or destination information. My searches of the OGRF site only produced threads related to large, traditional markers and general information regarding CTA, the latest dated 2017. I may have failed to use the right search criteria.
The partial solution may be to simply buy a second set and use its "engine" as a second head/hind car in a lashup but that seems like an awfully expensive fix and would not solve the rear end protection issue. Regardless, an appeal to the Wise Guys of OGRF is always the right move and best done before I create my own wreck...
Since my questions fall logically into two other "Forum" categories, I will re-post there and apologize in advance for any annoying duplication. Thanks for the help!